Reading methods at war

I clearly remember learning to read with the "grandmother's method", the one in which the first lesson was ma-me-mi-mo-mu. Surely you have also learned to read with him.

This method is known as phonic, is to teach the sound of letters and syllables; and from them you learn to read the whole word regardless of its meaning. For many it is a method that moves away from reading compression and that the apprentice is only limited to the mechanical repetition of phonemes. Global methods, on the other hand, teach to read complete words associated with meaning. It is read and understood and is the most used today. It seems that one wants to return to the grandmother's method and the controversy is served.

The British and French government have been inclined to the pure phonic method. The French education minister Pilles de Robien attributes the school failure to the method followed so far in schools. It proposes abandonment that relates to global or semi-global methods. And Minister Ruth Nelly recommends that only the phonic method be used. British teachers disagree and consider that several strategies are needed, not just one.

The truth is, that with one or the other children develop reading comprehension. Learn the wonderful world of reading under a stimulating environment.

Video: The 33 Strategies of War Animated (July 2024).