Vaccines in the future mom

It can only be administered a vaccine during pregnancy if it is really necessary, but always by prior consultation with your gynecologist, since some vaccines can harm your baby.

It is always advisable to consult with your doctor about possible health problems that may require a vaccine. Vaccines are an inoculation of live microorganisms but very attenuated, that is, the defenses generated by the body can reduce them with great ease. But according to some studies, these microorganisms could cross the placenta and cause damage to the future baby.

As this possible possibility exists, vaccines are not advisable, but there are exceptions, an example we have with the tetanus vaccine, a wound caused by a metal can make this vaccine necessary and according to experts, it is safe for the baby and for both can be administered. But you have to take into account that this vaccine has a duration of 10 years, if by chance you put it within that period and the pregnancy coincides within that duration, a new vaccination will not be necessary. The hepatitis B vaccine, experts say does not seem to be dangerous for the baby and since this liver infection can become chronic, can it be given, but only when there is a possible risk of contracting it, as in the case of living With someone who suffers from it.

The flu vaccine is one of the vaccines that experts recommend, this typical winter infection can develop into pneumonia causing major illnesses, for this reason vaccination is advised to prevent a flu if you are in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

There are a number of vaccines that are totally contraindicated during the gestation period such as rubella, this is a mild disease, but if you get pregnant while pregnant you can cause malformations in the future baby. So if you are thinking of having a baby and have not passed the rubella, you should get vaccinated and then leave a reasonable time of more than three months.

There are a number of vaccines that are not recommended and your oncologist can inform you about them if necessary.

Video: A NYC Mom Speaks Out On Vaccines (July 2024).