The ritual of sleep

Of course, there are no magic potions, but there are some things you can do to make it easier for the baby to fall peacefully in Morfeo's arms at night.

It is important to create a routine that is repeated day after day in the same order, which will provide security. The Bedtime must be preceded by a ritual Let the baby recognize easily.

Before bed, a warm bath late in the afternoon is the ideal preamble to induce sleep. Before putting on pajamas, relaxing massages with oil can be a rewarding combination of pampering and skin hydration.

Later dinner. If you only take a bottle or breast at night, you should make it awake so that you learn to differentiate dinner time with sleep, even if you fall asleep while sucking. The next step, after some pampering or a story, is the time to put him to bed in the crib, where we can relax him by reading him another story, singing or speaking to him sweetly.

Your crib's mobile with repetitive music can help you sleep; also with time it will be associated with a pleasant moment.

In older babies, sleeping accompanied by their favorite stuffed animal gives them security and confidence. The important thing is that if you wake up during the night you will find the same elements that were there when we went to bed.

Finally, you should leave the room before he falls asleep, so he will get used to sleeping alone without the presence of mom or dad.

Video: Evening Ritual to Close Your Day Sleep Meditation Mindful Movement (July 2024).