The senses of the future baby

All the senses that the human being possesses begin to be experienced inside the uterus. The future baby responds to all the external stimuli he experiences, although these reactions are gradual, since the senses of the fetus They are formed and developed in different stages.

Both the sense of taste and that of smell are stimulated by a large number of substances found in the amniotic fluid. These senses develop towards the sixth week but are not 100% active until it reaches the third month. From the fourth month on, the different flavors that are perceived in the amniotic fluid are beginning to differentiate. Sweet flavors produce swallowing movements in the fetus, instead a bitter taste makes it retract and stop swallowing, logical, does not like. As for smell, it is fully developed by the third month of gestation and is prepared to receive all kinds of odors. The sense of touch begins to develop around the seventh week of pregnancy, although it only has sensitivity in the area around the mouth, the process of this sensitivity is extended until the fifth month depending on the case. At this time, the fetus already reacts fully to tactile stimulations.

The view develops towards the fourth week of gestation and is a slow and continuous development, the response to stimulation originates around the eighth month of gestation. It already has a small sensitivity to light. You can appreciate the stimulation of a sunny beach day, that is, the luminous stimulus (from the sun) crosses the uterine wall and the amniotic fluid, getting you to disturb that dim light that it receives and forcing you to change your posture to be able to protect yourself from that luminosity .

The baby distinguishes sounds about the sixteenth week of pregnancy and reacts to these sounds by accelerating his heart rate, feels sounds that come from outside the uterus. But it is around the sixth month of gestation that the future baby recognizes her mother's voice and the difference between other voices.

At nine months, the baby will be ready to enjoy even more fully with you, he can touch you, smell you, hear you, feel you and taste you, a great accumulation of gratifying experiences that you will share together.

Video: The Return of Superman - Five Senses Activities for Seoeon (July 2024).