Osteopathy for the baby

After a vaginal delivery, the baby is exhausted, the effort has been enormous for both the mother and him. His trip through the pelvic canal has forced him to act as a contortionist, slipping with quite difficulty.

It is normal that his head is also deformed by the narrowness of the pelvic canal, although this deformation is temporary, since the bones of the baby's head are still quite “flexible”. This deformation disappears in a few days, at the moment when it begins to yawn, cry, suck, everything proper to a baby. All these activities cause the bones to return to their original position.

Photo: Child treated with DOC band ™. Courtesy of Cranial Technologies Inc. Spain

It is rare, but there are cases in which that cranial deformation can last and as a result, the baby has some characteristic symptoms. He is usually very agitated, cries often, is very irritated and may even have many gases. There are some much more obvious signs, such as, for example, you can see that you always turn your head to the same side. Cranial problems usually increase when the delivery has been extremist, that is, very slow or very fast, both ends cause excessive compression of the bone structures. If the baby's position is not adequate or forceps were used during delivery, risks are also possible. A premature baby is also more likely to have a cranial problem.

If you have any doubt or problem of this type, it is best to go to the pediatrician and you may be referred to the osteopath, this specialist will explore the baby properly and detect the possible problem. He is a great professional, since he knows how to press properly and where so that the bones return to their normal state and that the baby has an adequate development.

Cranial deformity can be easily resolved with a rapid diagnosis and proper treatment, thanks to the osteopathyYou may not have to resort to surgery. Although there are always some cases that are not as easy to solve as it is scaphocephaly, which causes a very elongated appearance in the baby's head or plagiocephaly, a flattening on one side of his head. They are not easy to fix but the osteopath can achieve it, through a cranial orthopedic band, get the head back to its normal state.

Video: Harvey's 1st Adjustment. Cranial Osteopath Visit (May 2024).