"Fall asleep, child": does the end justify the means?

When I realized that it was a kind of instruction manual on how to sleep the child, I decided that it was not for me. I see the meaning of the DVD, but how to sleep the child, I don't see it. For those who do not know what it is, "Go to sleep, child" is a book about how to solve the problems of childhood sleep through a somewhat controversial method. I confess that I did not try it, although many parents have been successful. But the matter has raised voices.

On the one hand, fans at all costs of the method of Dr. Eduard Estivill. Parents who have followed the instructions to the letter and succeeded say that they take the child to the crib and sleep only without crying, that the struggles at bedtime are over and now the child sleeps and they too .

On the other, those who criticize without hairs on the tongue. They believe that it is a method of behavioral indoctrination that does not treat sleep disorders and that puts children to the parents' wishes, making them insensitive to their basic needs. In favor, it is a good way to educate them to sleep, which can be hard at first but then it works and that is a way to instill good sleep habits from birth.

In contrast, according to the Primary Association that loads the inks, the method may become effective in some cases (according to the book in 96%), but in exchange for causing the baby serious emotional and psychological disorders, implying that the Child is a manipulator. In an open manifesto against the method, he thinks the book should be entitled "How to raise a neurotic baby and think you're doing well."

It seems that the book does not leave anyone indifferent. It would have to be tested to position itself in the ranks of defenders or detractors, but I passed. My daughter has a hard time sleeping, but I prefer to endure some tears.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).