Fights heartburn in pregnancy

The large production of progesterone and estrogens (yes, again the hormones) is to blame for the unpleasant heartburn during the second half of the arm.

It happens that, the hormones relax the muscles of the digestive system, including the muscular ring that is between the esophagus and the stomach, allowing the stomach acids and part of the digested food to reflux into the esophagus producing burning or burning sensation. This general relaxation also causes slow digestion and heaviness of the stomach.

Heartburn is more common in the third trimester because, as it grows, the uterus presses on the stomach. But there are cases where heartburn appears from the beginning of pregnancy. Some keys to deal with this nuisance are:

  • Eat small amounts several times a day and chew slowly.
  • Avoid citrus fruits, raw leafy vegetables, sweets and fried foods.
  • avoid yogurts, teas and caffeinated products
  • eat cooked vegetables
  • have a glass of cold milk if you feel acidity
  • let it take more than an hour to digest food before bedtime
  • sleep as built-in as you can, with pillows under your head
  • Drink a lot of liquid, cold and between meals.
  • Avoid soda and alcohol It is not that only the pregnant women suffer acidity, there are causes that have nothing to do with the hormones of pregnancy, such as stomach acid irritates the sensitive esophageal mucosa. But that is another issue.

If, despite these precautions, the acidity persists, tell your doctor to give you an allowed antacid.

Video: Reducing Heartburn, Acid Reflux, GERD-Mayo Clinic (July 2024).