What is a balanced diet?

My mother used to say that neither the art of painting nor that of music could be compared to the art of gathering and combining food. He meant that mothers should resort to creativity to feed our families properly. And he was right, because the nutritional elements that the body needs are few in number, but arranged in an almost infinite combination.

Today there is a lot of confusion about what a good food is or, rather, what foods are good for the body's needs, not only because of the diversity of opinions among experts but also because of a certain mercantilist spirit that dictates to us what should we eat, when and how to do it.

For achieve a balanced diet it is essential to know that the three basic components (fats, sugars and proteins) must be in equilibrium, since each one produces a certain amount of energy; We will feel tired if the calorie intake is insufficient and we will gain weight if the consumption is higher than necessary, in addition to being more prone to suffer from diseases due to deficiency or excess feeding. As a general rule, the normal state of taste and ordinary appetite, together with a good dose of common sense, are the guidelines that can be followed safely in choosing the necessary food items. Children are very wise about it, moms and dads should only collaborate with them.

You will have noticed that your child feels, many times, desires of a certain food: some fruit, something salty, something very sweet; they instinctively eat this or that food, more than one and less of the other to meet the requirements of the ebb and flow of vital forces. This is a wonderfully wise forecast and a healthy health instructor.

Video: Balanced Nutrition. UCLA Rehabilitation Services (July 2024).