Delivery in the water

There are many women who are looking for alternatives to traditional childbirth when it comes to bringing a baby to the world.

It is an option for mothers who prefer a most natural method. Instead of the classic operating room, they choose a more intimate and comfortable environment, in which they feel they control the situation more.

Once the contractions begin, the woman immerses herself in a special bathtub-pool with 10 cm. of filtered or potable water at about 37 degrees of temperature.

The aquatic environment is very pleasant for the mother because the warm water relaxes the muscles and stimulates the production of endorphins, reducing the sensation of pain. In addition, it accelerates the dilation phase and reduces episiotomies by softening the perineal tissues.

Some experts say that the vertical position that occurs in the water birth, the same one that was previously adopted, facilitates the expulsion of the baby because the baby's weight makes more pressure due to the force of gravity. As for the baby, water birth is a less traumatic way to come to the world. It allows its transition from amniotic fluid, in which it was for nine months, to another aqueous medium. It also maintains the same body heat, going from 37 degrees inside the mother to the same temperature in the water.

Sometimes, dilation work takes place in the water and if the woman prefers it, she leaves the bathtub at the time of expulsion. Otherwise, once the child is born, the woman is transferred to the delivery chair for the stage of delivery that involves the expulsion of the placenta. If a problem arises at any stage of labor, the mother can be immediately transferred to the operating room to perform a C-section if necessary.

Before deciding on this type of birth, it is important to keep in mind that it is an expensive method and inform yourself of the centers where it is practiced.