Foster care

Last week, a newspaper from my country published a story that provided creepy data: only in Buenos Aires capital there are three thousand children who need a family. These creatures live in the street or crowded into juvenile institutes and need families willing to receive them as foster care.

This modality provides babies and children with the opportunity to grow and develop in an environment of affection and not in institutions, while they wait for the resolution that caused the separation of their family to be resolved, or they are adopted or become independent when they reach the age of majority. after staying in foster care for a long time.

Put to investigate, I warn the IFCO website, International Foster Care Organization. IFCO is a worldwide entity dedicated to promoting family foster care (that is, foster parents do not receive any kind of subsidy for their homework) in different countries. On September 16, they participated in the General Discussion Day of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, presenting an exhortation, whose full reading I recommend, encouraging “to the United Nations International Convention for the Rights of the Child, to States Parties and to international donors to monitor and assist in the development of national family solutions for homeless children, particularly babies”.