Welcome to Babies and more!

Welcome to Babies and more, a new collective weblog dedicated to the world of children. Our goal is to cover the entire stage that goes from pregnancy to six years. We will talk about pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, infants, babies, nutrition, education, child health and maternal health, toys, various gadgets that make our lives with our babies easier and also mothers and parents

Babies writes and more a "fantastic team": www.bebesymas.com/quienes.php of bloggers very knowledgeable in the field and with first-hand experiences. We are also open to you to send us, not only your comments, but also suggestions and clues. To follow us closely visit the "subscription page": www.bebesymas.com/suscribete.php which presents options to do so via XML feed or email.

For our launch we also have the sponsorship of "Sanitas": www.sanitas.es, to which we thank for the support they have given us during this initial phase and for which they will continue giving us during the next months.

Babies and more is the ninth blog of "Weblogs SL": www.weblogssl.com. We hope you like reading it as much as we write it.

Video: Meet Our Baby Brother! New Baby Song. Nursery Rhymes by Little Angel (May 2024).