Five major concerns of pregnant women in the second trimester: do you feel identified?

He second trimester of pregnancy ranges from weeks 13 to 26, and although it is usually characterized by being the quietest and most relaxed period of pregnancy (the mother has more energy and is usually better than in the first weeks), usually our concerns, doubts and fears do not leave us.

It is possible that the own and normal anxiety of the principle will calm down as the weeks go by, but in this new stage other concerns and feelings may appear very different from those of the first trimester. Today we tell you what are the most common fears in this period of pregnancy.

Is my baby developing well?

Between week 18 and 22 we face one of the most anticipated, exciting and feared tests of pregnancy: the morphological ultrasound of the 20 weeks.

This imaging test usually lasts longer than other control ultrasounds and aims to identify possible fetal malformations, both serious and mild, as well as analyzing the placenta, amniotic fluid, the heart and other internal organs of the baby, and their movements.

This ultrasound usually causes a lot of anxiety because we fear they tell us that something is wrong. It is normal to feel a certain fear, and for the heart to go at full speed while the doctor passes the transducer through our gut.

But my recommendation is that you relax and try to live fully this "encounter" with your baby. In addition, if you wish to know, it is likely that you will leave the consultation knowing the sex of your child.

Will it be a boy or a girl?

Personally I have never cared to know if the baby I was expecting was a boy or a girl (for the third party I even decided that I didn't want to know), but I know many women for whom the sex of your future baby is one more concern, and some even look forward to their preferences being met.

And if this does not happen, it may be experience a certain "disappointment" (to call it in some way) that even be increased to hear the unfortunate comments of the environment, and the misunderstanding of those who do not understand your posture, and manifests it to you in an inappropriate way.

If you are living this situation, don't blame yourself for feeling sad or disappointed If the sex of your baby is not what you expected. Pregnancy is a true roller coaster of emotions, and the little "disappointment" you feel will now be passed sooner than you think.

Will I have gestational diabetes?

And if the ultrasound of the 20 weeks is an appointment desired and expected by all mothers, the O'Sullivan test is usually the opposite, and becomes one of the most detested tests.

Normally it is done between weeks 24 and 28, however, in some specific cases (depending on the age of the woman and her background) it could be indicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

And I say it's one of the most detested quotes, because apart from being a long and boring test, if the woman continues to feel nauseous or stomach upset, the canister of glucose to drink may not sit quite well. In addition, there is always the fear that the results will be altered and we will have to face this test a second time to rule out gestational diabetes.

It is best to arm yourself with patience and face this test in a relaxed way and trusting that everything will work out.

Will I be getting too fat?

In my opinion, there is too much pressure on the weight that women should gain during pregnancy, and the time to get on the scale when we go to consultation Sometimes we live it as if it were an exam.

Each pregnant woman is different, has different circumstances and physical characteristics, so far from generalizing about the weight that women should take in each trimester, personalized recommendations adapted to each specific case should be offered.

And although it is very important to take care of yourself, do not fall into the false myth of "eating for two", and ensure a healthy diet, if the weight obsesses you or generates a certain anxiety my recommendation is that you speak with your doctor or midwife.

Fear of hurting the baby

Although this concern we saw in the first quarter post, usually the fear of harming the baby is something that worries us throughout pregnancy, although as the pregnancy progresses the reasons may vary.

One of the biggest concerns at this stage, in which the tripita already begins to appear and we begin to notice our little one, is whether we can have sex with our partner without harming the baby.

Unless the doctor indicates otherwise, sex during pregnancy is safe (and even beneficial!), and you should not worry about whether this can cause discomfort to your baby, as he is protected inside his amniotic bag.

And before we want to realize we will have reached week 26 and with it to the third quarter, which will be plagued with new doubts that we will discuss later. And you, do you feel identified with these common fears in the second quarter? Would you add any more?

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In Babies and More These are the five main concerns of most pregnant women during the first trimester: do you feel identified ?, Second trimester of pregnancy