Four years later, three girls and a boy recreate a viral photo that represents the fight against cancer

It is possible that the faces of these girls sound to you, and we are delighted to see them again year after year. Four years ago, in 2014, these three Oklahoma girls named Rheann, Ainsley and Rylie, fought with all their strength against different types of cancer. That year they posed together for photographer Lora Scantling dressed in vintage clothes, and the photo moved everyone going viral.

Each year they recreated that first photo, and although all three are in remission phase, this year a child, Connor Lloyd, was added to the picture last year diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Between that first photo and the last four years of struggle have passed against childhood cancer.

In 2014

Scantling Photography

The original photo, which was the starting point of the project, was taken by Lora Scantling, who after losing his stepfather due to lung cancer and the son of a friend, also due to cancer, decided to launch the project 'Litlle Heros' ('Little Heroes').

He contacted the three girls and the magic was born. At that time, Rylie was 3 years old and was fighting kidney cancer, Ainsley, 4, against leukemia, and Rheann, 6, against brain cancer.

The girls did not know each other at all, but the photos convey such complicity that it seems that they have known each other for a lifetime. Now, all three are cancer free, and meet again each year for a new session.

Although all the girls have survived cancer, Rheann still retains tangible traces of her illness. His hair has not yet grown due to radiation treatments and his eyes are tilted due to the location of his brain tumor.

Regarding the idea of ​​including a child, Lora has taken photos of Connor's family for six years and felt desolate when she learned of her cancer diagnosis in December.

Because the three girls in the photo are now in the remission phase, the photographer has decided to include Connor so that the objective of her project is not lost: draw attention to children fighting childhood cancer, the leading cause of death in Europe in children under 18 years.

In 2015

Scantling Photography

In 2016

Scantling Photography

In 2017

Scantling Photography

In 2018

Scantling Photography

Every year more than 150,000 new cases are diagnosed in children whose lives become a struggle to survive. These three girls and Connor represent all those champions who stand up to the disease. Real heroes!

Photos | Scantling Photography
In Babies and more | Three girls who have survived cancer recreate a viral photo three years later, "You suffer when you have a bad time and you rejoice infinitely when you see them well", we talk to Jesus, who works as a volunteer with children with cancer

Video: 3 Years Later, Cancer Survivors Recreate Their Viral Photo, And The Difference Is Striking (July 2024).