Will it be right or left handed? According to a study it could be determined at eight weeks of gestation

A new study by some scientists from the University of Ruhr de Bochum, in Germany, indicates that laterality can already be determined from the womb. Specifically, from the eighth week of gestation, at which time the fetus begins to move its limbs. Amazing!

From this moment, one can intuit about laterality. And during the 13th week of pregnancy, it is quite certain if Your baby will be right or left handed.

Only 1 in 10 children is left handed

This scientific study has also concluded that laterality is a skill that develops in the womb and has nothing to do with the activity of the brain, but with the activity of the spinal cord. Specifically, the predisposition to use one side or the other of the body will depend on the development of the spinal cord during the formation of the fetus.

Did you know that only one 15% of the populationApproximately can it be left handed? Which leads us to think why does this happen? When is it determined?

Being right or left handed is not better or worse is simply different. The world, globally, is designed and made by right-handed and for right-handed people. So, if your child is left-handed, he has to adapt to many things, which leads moms to wonder since the baby is born. What hand will you use?

The investigations still do not give an accurate result capable of ensuring what is due, or how the laterality of a person develops. Previously, it was believed that the determination to be right or left handed was in the development of the fetus, and the result of the brain activity of one hemisphere or another of the brain. This belief was reinforced by the proven fact that left-handed people tend to be more creative and imaginative preferably using the right hemisphere of the brain.

This study indicates that the baby's motor cortex, which is the part that involves control and voluntary movements, is not linked to the spinal cord at the time the fetus is in the womb, so it is the bone marrow. Spinal is the total responsible for determining whether a child will be right or left handed.

According to the same researchers: "our findings suggest that the asymmetry of gene expression in the spinal cord segments that innervate the hands and arms may be critical for the ontogenesis of functional asymmetries." That is, the nerve impulses that are transmitted to the extremities during the embryonic period are certainly important in the development of the baby, and the expression of laterality.

The unknowns still to be resolved

Although this study has shed some light on laterality, it remains to be found, What are the factors that influence the spinal cord to grant laterality?

There are many theories and studies on this subject, but the truth is that, even if you see your baby sucking his right finger on ultrasound, this cannot assure you of its definite laterality, it simply assumes the preference towards the right hand in this case. Many times you can see how your child tends to raise both hands when you offer him an object. This is because, during the first years of his life, he goes through a series of phases in which he can develop the capacity to grasp, to take objects with his hands.

How to know if your child is left or right handed

Although there is a predisposition to use one hand or another, the certainty of whether your child is right or left handed, you will have it later. From the age of 4-5, the child will clearly demonstrate what his preference is, which is consolidated between 7 or 8 years, where there is no turning back.

To know if your child is right or left handed you can do any of these tests. On the one hand the Harris test based on:
* Throw a ball.
* Wind a watch.
* Hit with a hammer.
* Brushing teeth.
* Comb.
* Turn the door knob.
* Tension a rubber.
* Trim.
* Cut with knife.
* To write.

Or the Zazzo test: This test is based on recreational activities and focuses on different parts of the body. For example, hand out cards or shuffle cards. With the eye it is sought to fit a ball into a small hole and with the foot to kick a ball.

Beyond this you just have to observe. See how he does simple and everyday tasks such as kicking the ball, see how he opens a bottle, see with what eye he would look at a telescope

Actually, the important thing is not if your child is right or left handed, the essential thing is that he can correctly define the laterality of one side or the other and respect his nature so that he does not have any problems in his development.