Mantras for moms: seven phrases for difficult days

Being a mom is probably one of the most enriching and complex experiences we can live as women. It is something that helps us grow and know strengths that we didn't know we had, as well as weaknesses that we didn't know could exist. In general, it is something very beautiful and powerful.

But also, being a mom implies going through some tense, complicated or difficult moments, in which we can feel stressed or overwhelmed. For those days, there is something we can do: tell us something positive or reassuring. We share some mantras for breasts.

What is a mantra

A mantra is a Sanskrit word that refers to certain sounds (syllables, words, phonemes or groups of words) that according to some beliefs, it has a psychological or spiritual power. The word 'mantra'can be translated as "freeing the mind" or "tool for mind control."

On a daily basis, mantras began to be called those positive statements or phrases that inspire or motivate us, and that can also help us redirect our thoughts and control our mind, causing us to return to a state of tranquility, peace and / or harmony.

As moms, a mantra suited to our needs, can make us keep calm or motivate ourselves, especially when we are having a difficult or complicated day. The idea is that when we are right in one of these moments, remember one of those statements to feel calm again and say it to ourselves, either out loud or only mentally.

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Seven mantras for moms

Surely most people are familiar with the mantra 'om', frequently used in yoga classes. And although it is a mantra that has a sedative effect due to the vibrations it produces in the body, when we are moms and we are in a complicated moment, we need something that not only relaxes us, but helps us change our attitude.

These are some of the mantras that you can tell yourself when you are stressed, overwhelmed or feel that your patience is disappearing. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and recite what you need.

"It's just a stage"

Our children go through different stages during their development and growth. Some of them test our knowledge and others our patience. But we must always remember that they are just that: stages.

Someday, your baby will stop waking up four times a night. Someday, your child will eat the vegetables instead of playing with them and throwing them on the floor. Someday, tantrums will be a thing of the past because your son learned to know and regulate his emotions. Someday, your baby will be an adult.

If at this time you don't get enough sleep, if you don't have a free minute because you have to do everything for him, or he can't understand even if you explain to him again and again, don't despair. It is only one stage.

"I can"

When we are moms for the first time, we can become insecure about our ability to raise and care for our children. There will be some moments when we feel that we are not able to do certain things or that we are not living up to the idea we have about how to be a "good mother."

But in reality, we have the ability to do much more than we imagined. As I said at the beginning, being a mother makes us know strengths that we didn't know we had. Trust you, follow your instinct and remember to tell you: I can.

"It's just a bad day"

There are times when it seems that we get up with the left foot: we are late, we forget the children's lunch, we leave the house and leave the wallet, the food went badly and our children do not cooperate much with their tantrums. In short, everything seems to go wrong. But that is what we must remember, It's just a bad day and tomorrow will be different.

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"I am doing it right"

This statement goes hand in hand with the one that says "I can." When you feel that you are failing as a mother or that things do not go your way, turn to see your child and he can give you several answers. If your child is a happy child and nothing is missing, Don't be so picky about yourself and remember this: you are doing well.

"I am a good mom"

To be or not a "good mom" is really something subjective. As I mentioned in another article, each mother-child is a world, and what may or may not define your performance as a mother is to meet your child's needs and the relationship with him. Every mom is unique and acts according to what works best for her family., so remember: you are a good mom.

"This too shall pass"

When we go through critical, difficult or highly stressful experiences, we can feel that we are in a dead end. But as the phrase says: there is no harm that lasts a hundred years and that that overwhelms you today will also happen.


Finally, my favorite: breathe. It is only one word, but when used at the right time and focusing on it, it can work wonders. Every time I feel that I can't do it anymore or that my patience seems to want to flee through the door, I inhale deeply and say to myself: breathe.

Years ago I attended Vinyasa Yoga classes and there I learned to breathe. Sounds like a joke, but when we learn to breathe and stop doing it as automatic, We learn to also relax the body and regulate our emotions, which will help us control many situations in our lives and combat stress.

What are your mantras as a mom?

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