The beautiful and emotional video in which a mother hugs her premature baby for the first time

During pregnancy, one of the main illusions of a mother is to see and hug her child for the first time. Holding it in your arms after having carried it in your belly, is undoubtedly a unique and very special moment. But sometimes, whether due to complications in childbirth or having had a premature delivery, it is not possible to sustain them until long after they are born.

This moment becomes a very emotional one, as we can see in the video of a mother, which shows the moment when she carries her premature baby for the first time.

Love What Matters is a Facebook page where we can always find content that reaches our hearts, especially when it comes to family and maternal issues. The most recent and emotional is the video of a mother who shares the sweet and emotional moment in which she loads and hugs her premature baby for the first time, four days after he had it.

The video is accompanied by the testimony of the mother, who share how those first days were confusing and difficult:

Four days after delivery, I held my baby for the first time, it was the best feeling in the world to finally be able to hold it in my arms. He was born at 26 weeks and 3 days after my pregnancy.

They have no idea why I had it ahead of time, I am a relatively healthy person, I never stopped taking my prenatal vitamins, I stopped caffeine completely and exercised regularly.

He weighed only 860 grams when he was born. For the first four days I couldn't hold my baby, I could barely touch him. I just wanted a normal pregnancy, a normal birth. I wanted to be able to hold my baby right away, feed him and hug him.

But she also talks about months after the birth of your child, about how good he is and how much he can enjoy it now and sends a message to parents who are now with a premature baby:

Grayson is now almost six months old and is incredibly well after his 84 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. He is happy, healthy and now I can hug him whenever I want.

It's scary to think that 1 in 10 babies is born prematurely. I just want other parents who are going through this to know that it is difficult, it is scary, but that they are stronger than they think, that their baby is a warrior and that they are not alone. I hope someday soon, you too can take your baby home.

No doubt the stories we read about premature babies who manage to get ahead and that are beautiful give hope to millions of parents who are in a time like this.

Video: Newborn Baby Clings to Mum's Face (July 2024).