Does your little one like to draw on the walls? Put into practice the great solution of this mother

Children are creative and free by nature, qualities that adults should encourage so that they do not end up losing them. Within that creative freedom is expressing his art in places that adults consider "not adequate", such as, for example, the freshly painted walls of the house.

That's why we found the solution of a mother great after her six-year-old son decided draw a house with a green marker pen on one of the walls of his house. Instead of scolding him, he put a frame and turned it into a work of art.

The boy's father shared on Twitter the solution that his wife has found in the face of the creative impulse that the child has had. He uploaded the photos with the following message:

"Your children will do things they shouldn't do. Help if you marry someone with a sense of humor."

Your kids are going to do things they shouldn't. It helps if you married someone with a sense of humor.

- Eric Massicotte (@DrMassicotte) November 14, 2017

Next to the frame he placed a small sign as is done in art exhibitions with a description of the work:

"House interrupted, 2017. Marker on latex paint. Gifted by surprise to his parents. November 13".

The tweet quickly went viral, and not only inspired other parents to do the same, but also encouraged many to proudly share the "gifts" of their children.

I have this on my wall at home.

- Confíteor Deo omnipotánti, et vobis fratres (@ConfiteorDeo) November 15, 2017

- anotherfan (@Fenwaynine) November 15, 2017

Wish we'd framed this back in 2013. My better half painted over it for me, his heart was in the right place though.

- Shannon Reynolds (@schwelo) November 15, 2017

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