New case of meningitis B in Zaragoza (and the problems of shortage of the vaccine continue)

As confirmed by the Directorate of Public Health of Aragon, has been diagnosed of meningitis B a 16 year old teenager from Zaragoza, which fortunately evolves favorably. At this stage the risk of meningitis increases, it is estimated that up to 25 percent of adolescents can carry the bacteria.

The disease is caused by meningococcus serogroup B, the most prevalent in our country (seven out of ten cases of meningitis). All children receive the vaccine to prevent meningitis C, but for meningitis B, parents should buy the Bexsero vaccine available in pharmacies. Although available is a way of saying, since since it was put on sale three years ago there are shortages: it reaches the public with an eyedropper and the waiting lists are very long, between six months and one year.

Where is the Bexsero vaccine?

Meningitis is a very contagious disease and although it is very rare, when it appears suddenly and can cause death within a few hours. It consists of the inflammation of the meninges, which are membranes that cover the entire central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the cerebrospinal fluid they contain.

According to the AEP, meningitis affects between 400 and 600 people each year, 10 percent with fatal consequences, and around 30% are left with neurological sequelae.

The only way to prevent it is by administering the vaccine, which although it is recommended by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics within its 2017 vaccination calendar, It is not covered by Health, and the Government of Aragon only administers it to risk groups. Each dose costs 106.15 euros, an unaffordable cost for many families considering that several doses are given (and not to mention if you have more children).

The Bexsero, manufactured by the GSK pharmaceutical company, is the only vaccine authorized in Spain against meningococcus B. Since its production process is long and supply is prioritized to countries where the vaccine is included in the official vaccination schedule such as Italy or United Kingdom, the doses that arrive in Spain are insufficient.

Although in March they assured that the supply of the vaccine would be restored with 230 thousand new doses, the high demand and the few that arrive makes it very difficult to obtain it.

According to Cofares, is only 1% of those listed on the waiting lists. Parents who wish to apply it to their children should order it at pharmacies and wait 6 to 12 months to get it, or even more.

When is the Bexsero administered?

It is a vaccine that begins to be administered at 2 months, but that it can actually come at any age (for older children who don't have it on).

The doses they touch by age: 4 if the child is younger than 6 months, 3 doses if between 6 and 24 months, and 2 doses when they are already two years old or older.

While the prevalence of cases has been declining in recent times, Every time a story comes up with a new case, parents are moved to learn that even if they want, they cannot have the vaccine available for their children.

Video: Managing Meningitis - Mayo Clinic (July 2024).