The most obese baby in the world is 10 months old and weighs 30 kilos

Often when we talk about babies and records we have the astonishment of babies born very small or born very large, and always with the desire that they are in good health, obviously. In this case we mentioned today, what is stated is precisely the opposite, that the child has a serious problem and needs help.

His name is Luis Miguel and was born ten months ago in Tecoman, west of Mexico. Its current weight is practically 30 kilos and that gives him a title that no father would want for his baby, that of most obese baby in the world.

At birth he weighed 3.5 kilos

His arrival in the world did not pose any challenge or cause anyone to fear at all in reference to his health, and that is that the little boy came to the world with a weight of 3.5 kilos, which is completely normal.

However, they soon saw that he had an urgent need to eat food and in just one month he increased the size of his clothes until he needed that of 2-year-old children.

Thus it has been increasing in an exorbitant way its weight, until reaching the almost 30 kilos that now weighs with just 10 little tables. A weight equivalent to that of a child of about nine years, as explained in El Español.

A rare disease, even without diagnosis

Doctors do not yet know what the child has, but they are sure that he has a disease that cancels his feeling of satiety and makes him be hungry continuously.

One possibility that they consider is that of Prader-Willi syndrome, a genetic disease that makes babies very hungry, with an obesity that tends to occur after 6 months (but they are not sure why Luis Manuel started with weight problems much earlier).

In any case, they have already done several tests that should help determine the origin of what the child and his parents are living, and thus begin to assess possible treatments and solutions.

If it was the aforementioned syndrome, which is a defect of chromosome 15, it can present with problems of muscle tone, developmental deficit of the sexual organs and cardiovascular problems, among other things.

In this case, and considering that it is a disease without a possible cure today, the treatments would be aimed at alleviating the symptoms and trying to ensure that the child had a life as autonomous as possible.

The problem is the same as always: they are expensive treatments, and the family has no resources to deal with them. There is talk that it would be a series of injectable medications valued at about 450 euros each.

That's why parents have opened an account in case someone wants to donate money to lend them a hand. For this they have assured that they will keep a record of everything they do so that donors can verify that the money will not be spent on anything other than trying to offer the child a present and a better future.

Hopefully they get it and Luis Manuel can lead a life more similar to that of children his age.

Video: Giant 8-Month-Old Baby Weighs 38lbs (July 2024).