Nutrition during pregnancy: foods rich in folic acid

Folic acid is a type of vitamin B group that helps the body in the maintenance and creation of new cells. This vitamin is essential in periods of rapid cell growth and division, especially in childhood and during pregnancy.

It is also known that the intake of folic acid before and during pregnancy, helps prevent congenital spinal and brain defects of the baby, such as anencephaly, hydranencephaly, encephalocele and spina bifida. That is why it is so important to take supplements during pregnancy, but it is also important to maintain a correct diet with foods that guarantee us a natural contribution of this important vitamin.

Folic acid in food

Take care of our food It is something we should always do, but with more reason during pregnancy, because we are creating a life and a correct supply of vitamins and minerals is needed, both for the mother and the baby.

Eat a varied diet, hydrate frequently, make five meals a day and avoid certain foods that are not recommended for health, are aSome of the recommendations we should follow in pregnancy.

But if in addition, we introduce in our diet foods rich in iron, calcium, iodine and folic acid, we will be contributing to maintaining not only a balanced and healthy eating, but very appropriate for this stage we are living.

Maria Garcia, Doctor of Pharmacy, graduated in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Professor of Nutrition at Isabel I University, it summarizes the foods with the highest amounts of folic acid that we can find:

"Especially green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce or the famous" kale "that is so fashionable lately. Other vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower would be a good option."

"It is also convenient that the diet includes fruits such as orange, banana or melon, to give some examples. Beyond the chapter of" fruits and vegetables ", another interesting source of folic acid during pregnancy can be legumes or some mushrooms"

But be careful, because it is not worth any form of cooking when eating these foods since folic acid is heat sensitive and is lost with heat and certain forms of cooking. In this regard, the exerta advises us:

"Cooking vegetables can eliminate much of the folic acid, which would be lost in the cooking broth. For this reason, some cooking techniques such as steam or microwave, could be a better option."

"Another aspect to consider is that frozen can destroy folic acid in a different percentage depending on the type of vegetable. The case of peas (a vegetable that freezes very frequently) is especially striking, since after three months it loses 90% of its folic acid content "

Foods rich in folic acid of plant origin

Folic acid is found present in some foods naturally in the form of folates. And it is precisely these foods that we should introduce into our diet regularly.

To the recommendations of foods rich in folic acid described previously by Dr. Marían García, we have added these others that would come to complete a rich, healthy and balanced menu both during pregnancy and in the preconception stage.

  • The dark green leafy vegetables Like spinach, green asparagus, broccoli, chard or lettuce, they are the foods that have the highest concentration of folate or folic acid, and are very simple to incorporate into the diet as an accompaniment to other dishes.

  • Other vegetables and vegetables such as celery, tomatoes, carrots or squash, are also important sources of folic acid and vitamin A, which we can take in the form of creams or purees, as well as raw.

  • The citric fruits Like oranges, kiwis, papayas, strawberries or raspberries, they are also an exquisite source of folic acid. Who can resist these fruits or the juice they give?

  • Avocado is a fruit with many beneficial properties for health that deserves a separate mention. It contains fatty acids, vitamin K, fiber and also a great contribution of folic acid. The perfect ally during pregnancy!

  • Vegetables such as beans, soybeans, lentils, peas or chickpeas will not only give you a good dose of folic acid, but also fiber, so important in pregnancy for the proper functioning of the intestinal transit.

  • Nuts like almonds and peanuts, and seeds such as flaxseed, sesame or sunflower, they also represent an excellent source of folic acid. Nuts and simple fruits are also very simple to incorporate regularly into the diet, either by eating healthy snacks or mixed with salads.

  • Whole grains such as oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice or brown bread are also delicious sources of folic acid and fiber.

Foods rich in folic acid of animal origin

And although Animal foods do not contain the same significant amounts of folic acid that vegetables, some also constitute a source of vitamins of group B that is worth taking into account:

  • Chicken, turkey or veal liver, foods very rich in vitamin A.

  • Seafood and fish, especially blue, also perfect to combat the anemia that some women suffer during pregnancy.

  • Dairy products, which will also contribute to maintaining correct calcium levels.

But only with diet is not enough

It is advised to take 400 micrograms daily of folic acid during pregnancy, but it is difficult to achieve this intake of quantities simply through food, also taking into account that, as we have seen, cooking and storing food can destroy part of the folate it contains.

"We must distinguish between folic acid found in food and that found in supplements. In food, folic acid is found in its natural form, folates. Our body is not able to take advantage of the folates of as efficient as it does with folic acid and that is why supplementation is recommended in all women who are planning to get pregnant "- says Dr. Garcia.

Hence it is so important to combine our diet with a adequate vitamin complex, which we will take both before and during pregnancy, and that should contain the recommended doses of folic acid, and other nutrients such as iodine.

"Currently, the doctor frequently prescribes combined supplements of folic acid together with iodine and vitamin B12. There are other types of multivitamin supplements that, in addition to folic acid, iodine and vitamin B12, contain different vitamins, minerals and even essential fatty acids omega 3 It is important to consult with the doctor or pharmacist to avoid duplication in some of the nutrients "

"It should be remembered - insists Dr. Marián García - that the folic acid supplement is indicated, not only during pregnancy, but preferably three months before conception, since the neural tube is formed between days 21 and 27 of gestation, when most women don't know they are pregnant yet. "
  • Pixabay photos, iStock

  • Via Dr. Marián García, Boticaria García

  • In Babies and More Benefits of Avocado in Pregnancy, A tomato will provide the recommended amount of folic acid daily, Nutrition during pregnancy: high-fiber foods