Does it really hurt girls to make them pending? A viral video shows that yes

The subject of piercing girls ears From babies to pending, it is a source of important controversy, and of angry debates in the network that do not usually end well, because each one defends the decision that has been made (logically), as the best.

On the one hand there are those who think that, in the same way that it is not done with boys, it should not be done with girls (or do they have to start suffering from the beginning?). On the other are those who defend that they do it because they like it, because they prefer to do it as babies who are older and who, or do not hurt so much, or even if it hurts, is a moment.

This video that we bring you today has gone viral on Facebook precisely because it clearly shows the shock that the girl suffers at the time of piercing both ears.

Dozens of criticisms

Already last week we discussed the case of a mother who shared a retouched photo with her daughter's Photoshop with a cheek piercing. It was a false photo in which he defended that since he was his daughter he could do what he wanted, precisely to criticize not only the piercing of the girls' ears, but also the circumcision in the boys.

The mother that appears in the video, after its publication, and as we read in HullDailyMail, had to go out in defense of her decision, and that is that she began to receive dozens of criticisms from people who accused her of abuse, of child abuse, to steal her freedom of choice and that even threatened her with a possible performance of social services.

And dozens of supports

In turn, he received dozens of support from people who said they had done it too and their babies had cried even less, and from very happy girls with their earrings, who now would not know how to live without them.

She herself, the mother, said this in her defense:

Has cried? Yes, for a fraction of a second, do I regret it? No. My daughter loves her earrings (...) it is much easier to do it when they are small than when they are older.

Her daughter is now two and a half years old and, honestly, it seems that the earrings do not bother her nor make her be an unhappy girl:

"Bah, it barely hurts."

As I say, there are many people who use this argument as a defense; That is not so bad because it hardly hurts. But if it hurts. The video clearly shows it and everyone who has done a piercing knows it too: of course it hurts.

If many babies do not cry, it is because the pain message, which must go from the source of pain to the brain through the nervous system, takes longer to arrive in their case, due to immaturity. Thus, many girls do not even express it (I have vaccinated many boys who have not said "mú"). But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

Now, what is true is that it's a momentary pain. A few seconds or minutes later, the girl calms down and, if everything goes well and there are no complications, it hardly bothers them again.

So, once again, the choice remains with each mother and each father. I have three sons, and In my house we decided not to make them pending (because we could also have put them, right?). If I had a daughter, we would have decided the same.

What if he had asked us later? Well, I don't know ... I suppose we would explain the momentary pain well and let him make the decision when we considered it capable of doing so, and assessing the advantages and disadvantages (girls often ask for pending because they realize that most girls and women wear them, and they don't want to feel that they are "less girls", or that they are different).

When would we let her do it? I dont know, I'm talking about a daughter that I don't have, and without knowing it there is no possible answer. Because hey, I'm still waiting for the day when one of my three children ask me to find me in that situation, and for now nothing.