The baby's first months: know his emotional and social needs

The first months of our baby's life are key to its future development. Therefore, in addition to attending to their basic needs, we must pay attention to their emotional needs, first of all, and later on social.

Giving a lot of love and attention to our baby is essential to lay the foundations of his future character and personality. Respond to your cries or attention calls during the first months did not spoil To our baby, our arms show him that he is not alone and that his demands concern us. This gives you security and confidence and makes you feel protected.

The arms will make you feel safer

This is the theory of attachment: the baby's bond with his parents or caregivers gives him the essential emotional security for your personality to develop. In fact, it is proven that letting babies cry and not holding them systematically when they ask for it ends up causing them to be more dependent children, with more self-regulation difficulties, with lower self-confidence and a lower ability to cope with stressful situations. .

Cradle our baby, make simple massages and sing softly in the ear are ways to stimulate your senses and contribute to your emotional well-being

Babies relate to the world through smell, touch and hearing. Feeling embraced is one of the most important stimuli for its development, while our caresses help regulate the baby's nervous system. Therefore, cradling our baby, doing simple massages and singing softly in the ear are ways to stimulate your senses and contribute to your emotional and physical well-being.

Smiles and looks to socialize

From the first month, our baby begins to smile at the stimuli. From this moment the looks and smiles are very important for the development of our little one. Instinctively, smiles make you feel good and you will learn little by little to return them, so it is a good time to continue with the caresses but also to play to smile and make affectionate faces to the baby. This exchange of looks is essential because it calms and stimulates At the same time your communication. The whole family can contribute to this, since it is a sign that he begins to socialize and enjoy other experiences.

The exchange of looks with the baby is essential because it calms and stimulates communication

At three months, the baby begins to communicate with adults through smiles and babble, responding with movements of his body and reacting to our voice or our gestures. Will also start imitate gestures or expressions such as sticking out your tongue or opening and closing your eyes. It is a dialogue that will be perfected little by little and in which it is important to correspond.

At this age, he begins to have favorite people with which he interacts most, which are usually his parents. Little by little, he will be increasingly interested in other children, starting with his brothers, smiling every time he hears them.

Stimulate through the game

But how to stimulate the development of our babies? The best way to do it day by day is through the game. Have a happy and pleasant time with us gives you confidence and helps strengthen the bond. Rocking him with music, balancing him carefully, tickling and grimacing, playing hiding objects or showing him a mirror to see his reflection, stimulate and entertain him, while It helps you work your muscles or interpret our emotions.

Obviously we can't be stimulating our baby or playing with him all the time, but on many occasions it will be enough for us to feel close And keep us in sight. If we are busy with some task it is a good solution to have the baby in a hammock, for example, with some dolls and toys nearby.

The Balloon hammock in Chicco helps the baby to be comfortable and entertained while playing with family safely or doing some activity. This hammock, which has vibration to relax the baby, has an electronic game panel with lights and melodies to relax or entertain the baby, in addition to three hangers that stimulate the child's tactile and psychological senses.

It is also recommended introduce these games and moments of stimulation during daily routines, such as splashing and playing with bubbles at the time of bathing, or singing a babysitter before bedtime. We can also take advantage of the moments of the car to put music and stimulate their language and attention at home by showing cloth books for the first months or telling simple stories.

Definitely, it's not about doing special things, but to take advantage of the daily moments to strengthen our bond with the baby, as well as continuously show our love. There is no better stimulation than this for their cognitive, emotional and social development.

In Chicco Moments

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Photos | iStock: m-imagephotography / Chagin / Antonio_Diaz