Terrorism reaches the classroom as a curricular subject in the schools of Madrid

Although we wish it were not so, our children live in a world with terrorism. The majority will have heard (and asked) what a terrorist attack is and why it happens, and although it is somewhat difficult to explain to children, when even adults cannot barely understand it, we can talk to them without lying to them and always according to their ability to understand

The Madrid Executive believes that the issue should go beyond the private sphere to enter the classrooms and include the subject of the history of terrorism as a curricular subject in the Community schools, as confirmed yesterday by Angel Garrido, spokesman for the Community.

The Minister of Presidency and Justice of the Community of Madrid affirms that the project, which comes to respond to "the demands of the different associations", "will regulate aid, establish protocols for attacks and promote public recognition of victims" .

Although it has not been specified from which course or other details on how the subject will be taught, it is intended that including the study of the history of terrorism is a way of guaranteeing the right to memory, which "will provide young people with the values democratic and that will mobilize consciences about the damage that any form of terrorism entails. "

It is intended that there is "a memory of what happened in Spain, of what happened to many people who were victims of terrorism and that the kids know that there were bad and there were good people, that there were people who defended democracy in Spain and that many they gave their lives so that today we can enjoy this regime. "

What do you think about the history of terrorism being taught as a curricular subject in schools?

Video: David Silver: "Digital Natives" on a Media Fast (July 2024).