Use and abuse of technology, the benefits translate into problems when children use them too long

Than for many fathers and mothers the use that their children give to technology is a concern, It is not a novelty nor is it unknown to us.

We are concerned, some of us are very concerned and in view of studies that do not stop publishing about it, We have more than enough reasons to be worried about the effect that technology abuse can have on our children.

Negative effects when we talk about abuse although there are also positive effects associated with its use, the middle term, time is what we should mark as responsible and informed adults that we are supposed to be.

Only a few days ago the Child psychologist Rocío Juárez, specialist in the Vithas Xanit International hospital, published a study in which it was clear that Abuse or excessive use by children of technologies can be a reason that harms their vital spheres.

We understand by vital spheres such basic aspects of a person's life, regardless of their age, such as sleep disorders, mental fatigue, mood swings, aggressiveness, anger, irritability, malaise, maladjustment or even symptoms of depression, apathy towards social activities and playful and even eating disorders.

In some children, the abandonment of vital aspects such as hygiene or even the food itself is appreciated due to excessive consumption of technology.

That we see how our children go to the bathroom or the kitchen accompanied by some electronic device or that we see them who think and talk continuously about this type of leisure or that we appreciate feelings of sincere euphoria when the possibility of its use approaches, are symptoms that we They have to be alert as parents to this situation.

The perspective is to worry about everything because as fathers and mothers, we are aware that during the holidays, our children will spend more time than usual in front of the screens Because the use of technologies in their leisure time, most entertain them more than any other option.

Rationalize and reason

That is what they like most does not mean that it is the only thing they should do during the holidays.

We can move it to other planes, for example, your favorite food may be pasta and not eat pasta every day, right? because with technologies as a form of leisure we should be equally aware and reasonable that for that we are responsible adults.

Control measures are essential Although we have to keep in mind that under the heading of "technologies" we include too many things that little or nothing have to do with each other. From online games through the console to social networks such as whatsapp or Instagram, they do entertain you but no, it is not the same one and the other.

It's not about demonizing the use of technology as a leisure product by our children, In fact, the benefits of its use in children are also measured, such as the development of deductive capacity and cognitive processes in which the reasoning speed increases as well as the motivation for learning. What we have to do is distinguish when that use becomes abuse and take action.

Take actions

Dialogue and reasoning is fundamental but in any case, the decision has to be ours.

  • We can make one tablet with a record of the number of hours our child spends every day in technological leisure and try to analyze with him its benefits, its damages and the possibilities of introducing new proposals.
  • We can plan the usage time per week together both technology and alternative leisure and sports activities
  • It is essential that we explain to them what can and cannot be done with the devices, It is not about leaving them to their free will but that they tell us what they want to do and that we help them, inform them, teach them how we do in other areas of their lives.
  • It is very positive for everyone that the devices are not in our children's room but in a common area of ​​the house, visible to all to avoid the isolation that the child could suffer.

No, nobody said that this education was easy but not impossible ...

Video: How Is Your Phone Changing You? (May 2024).