Pregnant in summer: five tips to feel better

You may be at the beginning of pregnancy, have vacations to rest and take care of yourself or simply feel great at this time of year despite pregnancy. But many pregnant women, especially if they are in the final stretch, are not at their best and consider how to survive in the summer. We offer you five tips to feel better if you are pregnant in summer.

Because there are simple recommendations that can make your life easier at this stage, to be healthier, so that the heat does not wreak havoc, to minimize discomfort and inconvenience and we can enjoy more of this time of year. If you are pregnant, do not miss these tips, and enjoy the summer!

Good hydration: water, water and more water

If it is important for anyone to stay hydrated when temperatures rise, in pregnancy it is especially important to prevent dehydration, especially in summer, when we lose more fluids. Hydration in pregnancy requires about 2.7 liters (about ten glasses a day), an amount that can increase if it is very hot.

We talk mainly about water, natural juices, milk ... natural and refreshing drinks which, together with fruit and vegetables, increase body hydration. Never forget the bottle of water, especially if we go to the beach or when exercising. Good hydration helps us maintain the ideal weight during pregnancy, prevents constipation, hemorrhoids, fluid retention (with so much unwanted edema), acne, contributes to skin elasticity ...

Protect yourself from the sun and heat

During pregnancy you should sunbathe with caution, since, regardless of the risks to the skin that anyone has, the pregnant woman is more likely than other women to develop melasmas or skin spots. Avoid direct sun exposure, use high factor sun protection, especially on the face. Do not forget the umbrella when going to the beach and avoid the central hours of the day, when dodging the sun becomes much more difficult.

Choose fresh clothes that also protect your skin from the sun, hats ... The most appropriate clothes to not raise body temperature in hot weather is light and baggy, made of natural fibers such as cotton that facilitate perspiration. Do not forget to choose a comfortable and cool shoe that does not press or hinder circulation.

Do not stop exercising

It might seem that in summer it is best to doze like marmots fleeing heat and effort. But this can be very counterproductive for the pregnant woman, who has to continue exercising to be healthy throughout the three quarters, adapting to your body and the environment. Regular physical activity prevents many health problems in the mother and the baby and this is valid and necessary at any time of the year.

Then for do sports or proper exercises in summer We must avoid the central hours of the day if it is outdoors and take good care of hydration, before, during and after the practice of physical activity. There are very appealing exercises in summer, such as swimming during pregnancy, walking along the shore of the beach ... so this is our next tip.

Beach or pool, well fresquitas

If something appetizing has summer, they are the possibilities of cooling off at sea or in the pool. During pregnancy, we do not have to deprive ourselves of these environments, especially considering that the beach invites us to walk and swim (not in the central hours of the day) and that the pool is the perfect ally of the pregnant woman to cool off, to exercise (swimming, aquarerobic, water training ...).

The exercise immersed in the liquid element is fabulous to improve circulation, breathing, muscle tone, to strengthen without forcing joints, decreases pain in the lower back, prevents edema, constipation, is an excellent method to relax ...

Some considerations to take into account so that the experience is positive are: eye to the slips next to the pool, avoid moving away to the places of greater depth, do not throw yourself head first, follow the indications of the first aid stations, check that the Water temperature is adequate (around 27-31 degrees Celsius)… Take the necessary precautions regarding sun and heat, and enjoy these refreshing places.

A healthy and refreshing meal

In summer, the diet should be adapted to high temperatures and the greatest need for hydration. A good diet includes foods that provide all the nutrients you need in pregnancy and, at the same time, provide the necessary hydration and avoid the feeling of heaviness produced by some more "winter" dishes.

The kings of the table at this time are seasonal fruits and vegetables (apricots, brevas, cherries, nectarines, peaches, melon, watermelon, plums, avocado, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots ...), vegetables and salad vegetables, fresh dairy, Pasta and rice salads, gazpachos, natural smoothies ... And, if you feel well, an ice cream, horchata or granita from time to time, why not.

What should be avoided are high-fat or very hot meals, of course, to prevent our body temperature from rising, to prevent excessive weight gain and more feared digestive discomforts such as acidity, gases ...

We hope that if you spend these next months pregnant keep a good memory, that is unforgettable but not because of the inconvenience or discomfort but because you have been well, healthy. Sure following these five tips for pregnant women in summer You are closer to getting it.

Photos | David Salafia on Flickr-CC, iStock
In Babies and more | Pregnant in summer, all are advantages, Ten tips for pregnant women in summer, How to survive these hot flashes in pregnancy: seven cool tips

Video: Nutrition Tips: Pregnancy and Nutrition (June 2024).