What if the doctors attending your birth took a picture with your baby on your shoulders?

There are many of us who consider that a dangerous red line has been crossed for a long time in terms of photos and social networks. When everything started, people took pictures of what they did and shared it, and now it seems that there are people who even do things just because they know they will share them later.

But not only that. Mobiles are even in hospitals, and in maternity, and not only for fathers and mothers to take photos or videos of the process of childbirth, or the arrival of the baby, but for professionals to also take photos with babies , and this does seem like a great disrespect: What if the doctors attending your birth took a picture with your baby on your shoulders?

Last year already happened

We told you in July of last year, when we got to see in a few days two photos of people attending to women taking pictures while working. That he hears, that they are entitled to take pictures while doing their job, as a painter could take pictures while running the roller over a wall. The difference is that the wall, the roller and the paint do not care to leave in the photo, and the baby and the mother, because they do care.

That is true, that the baby does not run any risk, and it is only a moment of humor among doctors, but what do you want me to say, I would not like any father to do such a thing, even if they asked me for permission :

-Look, excuse me, is that we thought it would be very funny to take a picture with your baby ... we will put a second on men, and smile for the photo.
-But ... if they wear masks, they won't even be seen smiling!
-Well, now, but by the expression of the eyes ... If we do it for humor, and you know, then share the image of how valuable it is what we do.
-I think nobody doubts how valuable it is what you do. So photographing with the baby will not make people have a better image of you. In fact, in any case, they will think that they lack the seriousness in their work that is presupposed to them, so I would prefer that they do not.
-Well ... well, I'm sorry. We will not do it then.
-All right ... remember that the beauty of your work, the important thing is that babies arrive safe and sound and that parents can thank them for it. Sharing it through social networks does not make what they do better, let alone if they use a helpless baby to make jokes that do not come to mind.

But no, nobody asked this question and this conversation did not exist. Y Ramón Villegas, who found her, decided to share it by expressing the timely complaint: “How little! While one cares about his wife and his firstborn; unethical, professionals at the General Hospital of Calpulalpan ". And he also asked to share the material so that the terrible situation was spread: “Share so they know what kind of people work there; I hope the hospital leaders know them and that they are removed from their position ”.

Dear health professionals, keep taking care of us

Dear health professionals: you don't need to take your phones to show the world what you do, and less without our consent. When a woman is going to give birth to a hospital she does not go as a sick person, but as a healthy person who comes in case something fails. Put your trust in what you value most in the world, your life and that of your babyAnd what you expect is love, understanding and support. And not that someone take out a cell phone and immortalize the moment, because it does not come to anything, because it does not imply any benefit for her or her son and because it involves crossing that red line that we have commented at the beginning, that in which it seems that if you don't share it, you haven't.

Video: Vaginal Childbirth Birth (June 2024).