Seven ideas to decorate Easter eggs

Each year by these dates we offer some ideas to make crafts with the little ones. Today's proposal is to teach them some techniques to decorate Easter eggs in an original way.

They are not difficult to do. Following the explanations and adding a little imagination you can surprise family and friends with these beautiful eggs.

For any of the techniques that I will explain below, the eggs must be previously emptied in the following way: you have to make a small hole in the base of the egg very carefully (some may be broken until practical is taken), empty them, clean them with water and let them dry. To empty them you can introduce a stick to break the yolk and so it will come out more easily.

You can also make two holes, one at each end, and blow from one side so that the content comes out easier, provided that the hole is small and does not spoil the decoration.

1. Metallic eggs

Always emptying the eggs first we can decorate them easily and quickly by painting them with spray paint of gold, silver or metallic colors. Then you can place them in a wicker basket with a striking bow.

2. Chicks

With a piece of red felt you can make beautiful Easter chicks. First you have to empty the eggs. You can paint some yellow and others leave them white or brown. Paint the eyes of the chicks with a black marker. Cut the triangle-shaped peaks, the legs and the crests of the chicks and glue them on the eggs very carefully.

You can buy eggs of different sizes and even quail eggs to make bigger and smaller chicks.

3. Chicks in the nest

In the style of the previous craft but with a piece of tissue paper we can make three baby chicks in a nest. The peaks can be orange or red. The leaf is folded in half and small triangles are cut to make the peaks so that when we open the leaf the beak seems open. We paste it and do the same with another color (it can be blue or green) for the wings. We cut 6 wings assuming that we are going to make 3 chicks in the basket and finally we place them in a basket or on a plate decorated with straws as a nest.

4. Bunnies

In a very similar way we can make adorable bunnies. The key is to use lying eggs instead of "standing." The first thing is to empty and paint the eggs with pastel acrylic paint. In this case we can make two holes to empty the eggs more easily.

Once empty and painted, the eyes are painted at one end and we place a cotton ball as a nose. With a larger ball, we cover the other drain hole as a tail of the bunny. Finally, we cut tissue paper of different colors as ears and glue them. Finally, we can place the eggs in decorated baking paper molds.

5. With glitter

A very delicate alternative to decorate Easter eggs is to polish them with glitter. Ideally, get double-sided tape or stickers with glue on both sides so that the glitter is attached to the shape we want to give it. If we do not get, we can always resort to glue. Place it with a fine brush drawing the motif you want such as flowers or polka dots (do not have to complicate with the drawings) and then spread the glitter to adhere.

6. With grass and flower applications

Previously emptied and dried, the eggs are painted with acrylic paints of different colors and allowed to dry. Once dry, we need around 10 to 20 pasties for each egg. With a mixture of glue glue and water in equal parts and the help of a brush we place them around the egg.

The same can be done with dried flower applications sold in irons in some decorating houses. They are very beautiful.

7. Marble simile

This technique will delight children for its "magical" effects. As always, first empty and let the eggs dry. Prepare a bowl for each color you are going to use. Then add a tablespoon of oil, one of vinegar, one of food coloring and add enough warm water until it covers the egg. Stir and put and remove the egg from the mixture until you get the desired color. Dry the egg with paper towels and repeat the same in another container with another color to give the egg the effect of marble. Then let it dry.

I hope you look very pretty. And of course, if someone has other ideas to decorate Easter eggs in an original way, we invite you to share it with the other readers in the comments of the post.

Via and photos | Martha Stewart
In Babies and more | Ideas to decorate Easter eggs, Decorate Easter eggs

Video: 10 New Ways To Decorate Easter Eggs. Better Homes & Gardens (June 2024).