The "Instruction Manual" to care for the baby that I will hang in the pediatric office

A couple of months ago we shared the poster that a pediatrician hung in his office, which was titled "The best is" and that came to say that in the background it did not matter what you did or stopped doing with your baby, because in the end the best for each baby is his mother and father, whatever decisions they make. Although the purpose was good, to show that there should be more respect in this of motherhood, the message seemed somewhat dangerous because not everything that parents do is best for babies, and for samples all babies who cry in their Strollers because their parents believe they should not be taken, or those who cry alone at night because parents believe that they learn to do something they already know: sleep.

To put in contrast, today we bring you another writing entitled "Manual", work of Noe Del Barrio, which I liked the most and that, yes, I will print and hang in the pediatric office from the health center where I work. I leave it below because it can help you if you are one of those mothers (or fathers) with doubts or if you know someone who has them and on occasion has asked you for advice:


They will tell you as if it were a punishment: sleep now that you will not be able to, and it will be true, but also that they will be the best efforts.
The only ones that will make you stay bewitched watching him at dawn.
The only ones that will keep you dark but smiling.
Happy tiredness
So I tell you sleep now, because soon you will meet the only being who will steal your dream and with whom you will know that the loss was worth it.

Take it in your arms and hold it tight, permanently, always, whatever happens, from birth until you weigh so much that you can't with it, then hug it sitting, or standing, or in bed, but don't stop doing it for the rest of their life.
Think of the hugs that you would have liked to receive.
Enjoy taking it with you everywhere. It will be a short time, but you will longly remember the rest of your life.

They will tell you that they will get used to the arms, and yes, it is true, they will get used to the arms and will not want anything else, because that is what should be done, getting used to feeling loved, protected and embraced.
That he learns from a very young age that he will always have you by his side, that he feels safe, knowing that whatever happens may walk from your hand.
And you will hear that you will suffer the day you have to separate, and they will be right, but ... Do you prefer sadness to the end of something, or not to have known happiness?

There will come a day when you feel a little overwhelmed not being able to go to the bathroom alone, but think that a few years later you may miss that I don't trust you.
It lays the foundations of trust, love and respect, from the beginning.
Treat him as an equal, don't cheat him, don't put your weights on his shoulders.

Feed him, no matter if your chest or a bottle, but when you do, hug him in your lap, so listen to your heart and feel your warmth. Your look, your heartbeat and your heat feed more than milk.
You feed much more than your stomach.
Feed him with your touch and your eyes.
That will be the protein that will make you a man.

Don't let him cry, never, accompany him, comfort him, hug him.
He needs you and that is the only way he has to express himself.
Do not ignore his crying, silence him with kisses and caresses, do not downplay him.
Don't let it grow up believing that your crying doesn't matter to you.
Love him strong, so he never feels alone.
And say it every day so you don't forget it.

Forget about complying with the norms of society that others expect.
Create your own, those that make you happy, those that give you security, those that make you grow as a family.

Take advantage and read before it is born. Then do not read.
Then just feel, think, hug, kiss, caress, love ...
Breeding. As only you know how to do it.
As your nature tells you and laugh at everything read, everything learned.
How the heart directs you.
That is the only book you will follow closely, the one that will never let you down, and the one that when you make a mistake, because you will, it will know how to forgive you.

When he is born, the world will be left over, because he is your world now.
And your coughs will hurt like cancer.
And it will be their sad wars in your life.
And fear will never have frightened you as much as it is for him.
And her tears will be nailed to you and the wounds will be deep.
And despite everything there will not be a single day in which you do not love him above all things and you will be happy to have him, and to dream him, and to get angry and worry.
And you want to make his life magical, because he already did it with yours.

And there will be days at the beginning when tiredness, sleep and your hormones will make you feel a drag, a stone to drag up the hill, a condemnation.
They will pass.
And you will feel guilty of having felt.
And there will be days when they grow up in which you will feel you need space, and you will hate yourself for it ...
Everything is necessary, everything is passed.
Don't judge yourself hard, believe me. I also went through it.

Love him very much and do your best to be happy

A summary? Well this: that listen to your heart and put love ahead. Love, the happiness of the family. Without prejudice, without thinking about what they will say or stop saying, without dragging the baby to that part of society that only worries about seeking happiness through voracious consumption, whoever falls falls, that part that lives for itself without empathy , without feelings, without humanity ... Know that Only your baby has the answers to the questions you ask yourself and enjoy his innocence, his purity and his crazy desire to love you.

And that is what Noe says at the end of everything:

What to tell you? There is an instruction manual, you wear it. Late

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