A baby comes home. How can something so small occupy so much space?

The question we all ask ourselves. Let's confess it! Whether you are already a mother, or if you are going to be a mother or you intend to expand the family shortly. How something so small can take up so much space, so much space? ... The question will go around and around your head almost from the first moment. Above all, when you start to launch a space as important at home as the baby room.

There you will really realize that prepare and adapt your home Upon arrival it is basic and fundamental, although sometimes a task not quite simple. And even less so for first-timers, those who have not yet experienced first-hand what all these baby's needs translate and what a direct relationship they have with the home world.

The fact is that all this process, the time in which you expect the arrival of your little one, is surrounded by new feelings, some fears, but also much emotion and tenderness. It is a very sweet moment and know how to adapt to it and prepare for the changes that your family and your house will face. It is the best way to ensure that, when the baby arrives, everything goes on wheels!

For that, when it comes to setting up your home, I recommend that you follow a couple of fundamental premises. The first, try the greatest possible comfort and safety in all rooms of the house. And the second, learn to reorganize and optimize space with which you already have to make the most of it and adapt it to the new family member. Do not forget that, from the moment of the birth of your little one, many new appliances and accessories will come home that you should have under control so that your home does not become a real chaos. The time has come for the functionality and flexibility Be your great and first allies in children's decoration.

The more you empower all those characteristics in your home, the more prepared you will be for all the extra changes that will arrive as the baby grows. From the moment the baby is born and arrives at home, your home will also become a living being that must adapt and change at the speed that your own child does and, therefore, your entire family.

Well, having said all this and after that first question we all ask ourselves ... the second comes: if the baby needs all that space, and knowing that it is necessary to reorganize the house upon arrival, What options are there when doing so?

Here is another million-dollar question that we can solve in two simple ways.

Adapt your room upon arrival of the child

Having the baby near you, from your parents, is completely necessary from the moment you are born. You should be aware of him every moment and closely monitor his dreams, his breaks, his moments of play ... Not to mention, of course, the moment of breastfeeding for which you will need a most adapted and comfortable area possible at the same time as close and accessible. So much for you, as moms, as for the little one in question.

To ensure all this it is very important that, especially during the first months of life, the baby sleeps and has space for him in your own bedroom. It is the best way to ensure that you can monitor each of its phases and stages and that, when he needs it, you will have at your fingertips. And everything, in addition, encouraging your bond and mutual union thanks to the intimacy that is created by having you close and sharing unique moments in the same space that will help you grow and develop in a much more solid and healthy way.

For all this, adapting your own bedroom so that it is also your child's bedroom is always a great idea. Following a few simple guidelines you can do it.

First of all, it is to look for a dividing element. This is the key to adapting the space and converting it into a double one, with two separate zones, being at the same time a single room. And doing it without lifting a partition is completely possible! To do this, place a shelf that acts as a separator and, in addition, make us gain in storage capacity (with shelves, drawers ...) will be a total success.

Right behind her, you can also place a blind or Japanese panels, for example, that they fall from the ceiling with a rail system and allow them to be moved to taste. In this way, in addition to having visually divided the space and gained storage capacity with the bookshelf, you will have incorporated an element that offers some privacy to both areas. You can leave them at the height that you like and, being textiles, they will not block the passage of natural light.

Now, once the room has been divided in a simple and functional way, touch adapt as much as possible each of the two zones. To do this, I recommend that you look for furniture that offers a dual functionality and that allow you to gain flexibility and comfort.

For example, a bed with couch instead of the usual static ones it will allow you to gain even more space to store, organize and save. And if you crown it, for example, with a headboard that allows you - in turn - save you the traditional bedside tables because it already comes with compartments, you will save up to almost half a meter of space. Look for all those ideas that allow you to get the most out of every inch without losing performance!

As for the space you created for the baby ... Imagination to the power! There is nothing more comforting and beautiful than decorating the bedrooms of the kids, so here you should look versatile furniture solutions that allow you to meet all the needs of the child, in turn, promoting their own development in addition to contact and direct communication with you.

The crib area It will be the one with the greatest prominence and, near it, I recommend you place a comfortable armchair in which you can promote direct contact with your baby, while enjoying the moments of breastfeeding.

To these basic pieces, you can add a chest of drawers with drawers to store your clothes ... and, on it, place a small mattress. So you will also have solved at the same time the changer area!

These and other tips have been applied by Ikea in the bedroom of this couple that has been adapted for the arrival of their child.

Tips to decorate the children's bedroom

Another of the possibilities before the arrival of your baby is to have one of your rooms prepared and adapted for him. It is true that the first months will not hurt you have a crib in your room, but little by little - with the passage of time - your little one will need your own space. In it, he will continue with his development and will discover the world around him, so it is especially important that the child's room is adapted and that it is equally comfortable and functional for parents.

  • Cot area. This piece is one of the most important when decorating the baby's room. It is, next to the crib mattress, that will ensure your son's good rest and you will have to have several accessories when you put it on. On the one hand the clothes and textiles for it (sheets, pillowcase, bag ...) which is advisable to take care since they will greatly mark the personality of the decoration of the entire room. The softer they are, the better, and if they have some fun and flirtatious motive, they will plead the space look a lot. You can put the curtains on the same line.

To the cradle, by the way, I recommend that you add a side shield to protect your arms, legs and head when it moves.

  • Relax zone. A comfortable armchair with a support table will be the next protagonists of your baby's room. The goal is that your bedroom is not only comfortable for him, but also for parents. The time to breastfeed or spend some time in contact with him will be much more pleasant if you have these comfortable pieces and where you have everything you need to have it at hand.

  • Modular changer and storage system. The baby's clothes must be well kept and organized in their own room so that they never lack anything. Wardrobes adapted to the garment's own dimensions, as well as drawers and chest of drawers will be the key pieces that will support you and that, in addition, will end up giving the decorative touch you are looking for for the space. I recommend, on the dresser itself, add a small mattress that serves as a changer. Always look for the functionality and flexibility of the children's bedroom pieces so that the space is rationally exploited.

  • Ambient and dim lighting. So that when going to bed is synonymous with tranquility and rest, a small wall lamp will help you create the atmosphere of security and relaxation that he needs. This little light will watch your dreams and help you to have vision inside the bedroom every time you have to go to see or catch it.

Following these tips, your baby will have everything you need to create and develop in your own space, which will also be your own since you arrive home.

Video: TIPS. 5 Ways To Occupy Your Baby While Occupying Yourself! (May 2024).