No, Mr. President, giving a son a colleja is not funny

This morning the news jumped to the news that President Rajoy had given his son a couple of colleges while they were on a radio show and to the laughter of the staff there, along with a camera that unfortunately for the president It was also present.

The "presidential colleague" is on the way to becoming probably the most commented of the elections and due to the impact it has had, we have encountered comments of all kinds, some asking for the resignation and a complaint for Don Mariano and others justifying the action and saying that it really wasn't that bad. I will not advocate for the first or the second and I hope to explain myself well in this article, but I will start by saying that "No, Mr. President, giving your son a colleja is not funny."

I do not justify

I will not justify Mr. Rajoy's action at any timeFor me, personally, I think he did not react correctly to a situation that had all the signs of getting out of hand. There is a law that says very clearly that such actions are not acceptable and we have a popular saying that states that "The King not only has to be King, but it seems so". But I am not going to ask for Mr. Rajoy's head, nor that of any other father (with exceptions).

Let's analyze the situation

We have the president of the government that they are interviewing him on the radio, this for the rest of the mortals, even for an out-of-campaign president, would be one more procedure in which we would be more or less nervous depending on the tables we have in these tasks. But the providence wanted the President to be in an election campaign and therefore in the middle of a situation of tension.

Second we meet a minor I imagine he would be very happy to be able, not only to accompany his father to one of his acts, but simply to be with him, since I suppose that there will not be many opportunities that Mr. Rajoy will leave to be with his children . I think this is what made the boy get excited when he got the word.

Third we have To the general public, in this case the journalists who witnessed the scene.

What's going on?

At one point in the interview, one of the topics discussed is the new FIFA 16 console soccer game, and one of the journalists he asks the president's son what he thinks about the game and the comments that come out in it, since they had been made by another of the journalists present there.

And what happened? Well, what usually happens when you ask a child about something. Than You risk being honestly answered. And so he did, stating that "they seemed improvable", which caused various reactions to those present, especially his father.

So far everything was going perfect, a child had been asked about something and he had sincerely answered and just the opposite that the adults present there were waiting for. Is the greatness of children, which are not politically correct. But, if we had left it here, everything would have been a mere jocular anecdote, the problem is that probably the nerves betrayed the kid and continued talking about how little he had liked using a language that ended the protocol on the ground, a audience laughing out loud and a father cutting for the healthy before the situation was completely out of hand.

And this was where Mr. Rajoy was betrayed by the subconscious and most likely all those years of education he received when he was the one who was ten years old and dropped a colleja to his son.

Some say it was a touch "loving and fatherly"and I have no doubt that he did it with that intention, I do not doubt at all the love that Mr. President professes for his son, the problem may lie in what we understand as "paternal love" and especially the ways of exercising it.

What Mr. Rajoy did has been the same thing that most parents did years ago and what many still do now, even having a law that prohibits it emphatically. And it is that Mr. Rajoy was carried away by the situation and by that permissiveness that exists in today's society about "concealer cheek", that they say that does not hurt and that given time saves many problems. And it is that he decided to go out by the easy or perhaps because of what was recorded in his subconscious, he did not stop to think of a better way to correct a behavior. It is true that he is not just any father, but he is a father and of course, neither his son nor any other deserve a colleja However loving it may be, if that adjective can be applied.

A bad example of who has the obligation to be

Yes, Mr. President, as I said at the beginning "The King not only has to be King, but to look like him" And it is that if you, one of the main legal and moral authorities of the country skips the law, why I could not do it? What example will you give to all the children who will see you?

On November 25 was the day against mistreatment of women, what would have happened if instead of his son, he had given a colleague, -very loving and a party partner that-, to his Vice President? Was anyone going to justify that (except the usual ones)? Why then if we justify it when it comes to children?

We are not perfect parents, none of us, we have our good days and others not so much, even the President. I hope, since the video does not show it, that he later explained to his son the reason for his reaction and, of course, to recognize that a father, no matter how President of the country, is also wrong and that today he was one of those days.

This society has a lot to change, to recognize at once that the cheek is no solution for any problem or for any child. Today we have seen live how we all must continue fighting against those old ghosts of the past that hopefully our children will bury definitively, but that will depend on us and how we educate them.

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