The adorable twins who are still hugging as if they were in the womb

Have these children learned that they were born? It is the question that comes to mind when we see the images of these adorable twins cuddling during a relaxing bath, as if they were in the womb, very close together.

How we would like many to return to this state of total tranquility, in which nothing around matters if we have that little person who gives us calm and security next door, if we feel his touch, his warmth, his skin, as has happened for several months before birth

Once out of the belly, newborn babies will discover a new world and this is almost always louder, brighter, colder. But if we close our eyes and warm water falls, if we hug the little brother, we return to a prenatal state of great peace.

The key is to maintain a pleasant temperature in the bathroom and also the water so that it does not cool and hold it so that it feels safe, especially of the head. If you have two babies, you will verify that they are looking for, that they touch and hug, showing an undeniable bond that will last a lifetime.

And if you only have one, they will also feel your touch, your smell and the sound of the voice that will be familiar to them. I hope that your baby, even one, may also find this moment relaxing underwater.

It is what happens to the adorable twins who are still hugging as if they were not yet born, in a session of something that has been called "baby spa" and that we can try at home, always following the advice of the bath to newborns and ensuring their warmth and well-being, with a soft light, trying to make them feel that they return to the tranquility of mom's belly.

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