Almost half of children do not brush their teeth well

Like all hygiene habits, brushing your teeth is a habit that we must instill in children naturally since they are very young. It is true that you have to have a lot of patience to teach them how to brush, remind them every day and of course, help them at the beginning until they learn to do it alone.

The truth is that we have a lot to do since almost half of Spanish children do not brush their teeth well. Either because they do it for a short time or the cleaning is incomplete.

According to a study conducted by Colgate at European level on the occasion of the launch in September of the Oral Health Mission campaign, 43.1% do not brush them long enough and almost a third (33.6%) only brush its front teeth, completely omitting the rear teeth.

As a consequence, 16.2% of children in Spain already have some filling and 12% have already undergone some extraction at the age of 7 years.

How children should brush their teeth

You have to encourage them to brush their teeth, motivating them, without frightening them and making it part of the daily routine and of course, leading by example. A good idea is to do it together, at least at the beginning until they get into the habit.

He Recommended brushing time is two minutes, at least twice a day, and ideally after each meal (Breakfast, lunch and dinner).

It is very important that you do not forget the last brushing of the day since four out of ten children go to bed without brushing their teeth. During the night, the formation of saliva decreases, favoring the proliferation of bacteria that produce cavities.

As for the brushing technique, it is advisable to start with the chewing surfaces and continue with the sides, both on the outer and inner face, without forgetting to gently review the tongue and a final rinse to remove food and toothpaste remains.

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