Bad news: a study states that only 23% of parents want to spend more time with their children

Some famous soda brand has done a sociological study, TriNa of Family Fun pointing out that Only 23% of parents would like to spend more time with their children, while 29% of the parents consider that they spend enough time with their children.

According to the psychologist Javier UrraFirst Defender of the Minor and advisor in this study, among the parents there is a false impression that their children do not want to be with them and that they prefer to do "other things".

It is not the same being to interact

Although it is always better to "be" close to our children than not to be at all, it is not much the same as interacting with them, playing together, talking, watching a movie, going for a walk, even going shopping or performing "Senior" activities is a great opportunity to strengthen ties with our children and it is something they are willing to do.

Among the parents there is that feeling that leisure time is not "profit time" and yet I am sure that we are the moments that we remember most of having spent with our parents.

"They are not aware that these shared moments help both of them to know, relate, transmit values, feel closer to each other or blur conflicts," says Javier Urra.

The study ensures that More than half of the children surveyed, 63%, are looking forward to spending more time with their parents and among the leisure activities they enjoy the most are watching movies together at home (64%), preparing special dinners on Friday nights (48%), reading together (45%) and coloring or doing family crafts (35 %).

How is family fun?

The study has revealed great similarities and differences between preferred activities for parents and children. For example, the most fun plans for families with children from 6 to 12 years old they are going to amusement parks (89%), watching movies at home (88%), going to the pool (87%), having a snack outside (86%), going to the movies or concerts (85%) and going to the field of excursion or camping (85%).

Parents prefer: Visit museums (73%), go shopping (68%), or read together (77%) that are just the last in our children's preferences list. So for the little ones prefer: dining or having a snack around (89%), in the pool (89%) or going to popular parties and parties (85%) or to the zoo or farm school to enjoy near animals (85%), or playing console (85%).

As to the activities that coincide most Parents and children are board games, dress up, cook together and go hiking despite not being the favorites of either group. And incredible as it may seem, playing the console, dancing, playing instruments or going out to dinner out there are the activities in which there are more discrepancies, being mostly preferred by our children.

It seems that age takes its toll, because parents prefer to see sports with children while they prefer to practice them with their parents, especially girls. Y by sex, mothers and daughters enjoy more crafts and parents and children choose console, TV or computer or tablets.

Study according to family plan

  • Game consoles and electronic games: it entertains more children than parents, there is practically no difference between sex, 88% of boys prefer them compared to 81% of girls, yes, boys tend to play longer than girls. They are the games that less bored in general, only 6% of families say they get bored playing with them.
  • Board games and kitchens: It is still a mostly feminine game and it is girls who have the best time playing board games and cooking with their parents. It is also the game that sports equally throughout the age range of the study, from 9 to 13 years. According to Urra, up to 12 or 13 years old they like board games, which can bring together different generations, and force them to comply with standards, to respect, not to cheat, to learn strategies, to know how to win and lose.
  • Go to friends house: It seems that old plans never die and 54% of children say that inviting someone to their home or going to their friends has a lot of fun. It is also a plan followed mainly by mothers and girls, against the male sector.
  • Crafts: 22% acknowledge that they don't have much fun, especially parents and it is mothers and children who enjoy them the most.
  • Wear costumes: 77% of the families surveyed enjoy dressing up and the vast majority of children have enough to search their parents' cabinets.
  • Tell or invent stories: another of the hobbies preferred by Spanish families. It is the children who enjoy this type of activity the most, although the percentage difference is 5%. There are also no relevant differences between the sexes, although it is the female who enjoys the most, both in adults and when we are young.
  • On a walk to the mall: Another activity that has a great following by families, 66%. It is a plan in which men tend to be the most bored.
  • Sports: 87% of families consider the practice of sport together a lot of fun, with swimming being the star sport. It is a preferred plan for children (61%) and for mothers (54%). Football, both its practice and its viewing, is preferred by fathers and sons, being the sport that most bores mothers.
  • The countryside and the village: going out to the countryside or to the town is an activity followed by 85% of the families and by sexes it is preferred by the feminine. Visits to the zoo or interactions with animals also entertain many families. Here it should be noted that 70% of families leave the cities to find more attractive plans.
  • We blame a lot of negative responsibility on new technologies, but we discover that when the offer is camping, going to the mountain, or to parties, parents and children choose and enjoy these activities. Javier Urra affirms.

  • Books: It is a plan mostly preferred by parents over children.
  • Music: 77% of families spend free time listening to music or playing an instrument. 41% of mothers recognize that they enjoy this activity very much, while 31% of parents admit that they don't have much fun with these musical plans. Girls (47%) enjoy more than boys (34%) with music. And it is the children (83%) in greater percentage than the parents (71%), who enjoy listening or playing music.
  • Watch movies: It is the plan that the surveyed families practice the most and that also amuses everyone more.
  • Conclusions

    The report notes that families prefer plans for fun in the countryside rather than in the city, preferably with other children, away from home and playing sports (more than going to see them).

    Seven out of ten families have more fun making plans in the mountains or countryside, compared to three out of ten who have a better time in the city.

    Parents prefer field plans and mothers in the city.

    Plans for fun outside the home are more attractive (68%), than those that can be done at home (32%). Especially for children and mothers.

    It seems that the education received by the parents continues to weigh and thus purely social activities are preferred by the female gender over the classic ones such as football or the field that are preferred by the male.

    The barriers many parents see to spend more family fun time they are mostly daily obligations (50%), extracurricular activities of the children (48%), it is funny that what is supposed to be done so that our children "entertain themselves" are responsible in almost half of the cases of not being able to spend more time together. He too use of electronic devices They are seen in 42% of cases as a barrier, perhaps one of the evils that begins to be endemic and not only because of the use that our children give them, but also because of what we give them and that make us take time away from them. Be with ours.

    Perhaps the problem of many families is that we are not able to sit together and just let ourselves go, not plan what has to happen or not, or expect anything in particular from all this, just let things "happen", maybe that life that we have marked by the second hand is making us miss the wonderful things that we have at our side.

    Perhaps the excess supply, multiple television channels, cinemas, theaters, shopping centers, several dozen table games stacked on the shelves of the rooms, etc. combined with the little free time we have together make us get lost along the way and opt for individual plans.

    Maybe it's time to focus on two or three things and just enjoy them.

    Video: What You Need to Know About Planned Parenthood (July 2024).