Children to play, which is your thing

Today, May 28, the International Game Day, a date to value the importance of the game in the lives of our children. No doubt the children have to play, because it's their thing, are programmed for it. During his first years the human being puts into practice his playful abilities to better understand the world around him.

Playing is not just entertainment, play is also learning, the best way to explore, experiment, know and socialize. Eye, and play is not synonymous with having thousands of toys. The game is much more than a toy. Play is a childhood right from which all children should benefit.

Until about two years children play in parallel, they can play together but not scrambled, since they do not share games with other children. Then the symbolic game appears, the children's game par excellence in which the little ones imagine being, imitating situations that they see in real life. Here come the costumes, the little houses, the kitchens and all that fantasy world with which the little ones delight us.

We cannot forget the construction games and their benefits for concentration, skill and mastery of fine motor skills, or board games that foster cognitive, motor and learning skills in them.

But above all, the podium of the games is for free play that simply consists of children playing with their bodies, with toys, manipulating objects, and moving guided by their own instinct and their innate curiosity. No rules, no limits or rigidities. Also, you know, playing with your child is the best way to meet him and connect with him.

It also deserves to rescue the importance of play in the language of our children, and of course, the importance of play (and humor) for society. Have you started to think that it would be ours without the game?

Today, it's not that children don't play, but they are dedicated to increasingly sedentary and lonely games. Lifelong games, such as chase games, with balls and rope, should not disappear, as well as being healthy, they favor their development, both physical and intellectual. On the other hand, they have so many obligations and activities that they barely have time to play. It is a shame and we must fight to give children back that precious game time.

Finally, I leave the manifesto of International Game Day in which the child's right to rest and recreation, play and recreational activities of his age and to freely participate in cultural life and the arts is recognized. Happy Game Day, and let's see if adults also apply the story.

Video: Hilarious Kids' Test Answers GAME (May 2024).