Does my son hear well? Ten signs of a possible hearing loss

Although babies are tested to see that the sense of hearing works correctly, parents are concerned about this issue also when they grow up. We are struck by doubts if at some point it seems that the child does not hear, if he speaks too loudly ... For those parents who wonder if their son hears well here we leave ten signs of a possible hearing loss of the child.

If we detect several of these signs, we must go to the pediatrician to make the necessary evaluations, since in many cases early treatment of childhood hearing loss is essential to ensure the best possible recovery results.

These are children who have already acquired the language and therefore it is not a hearing loss of birth but for any reason they begin to hear worse. Remember that Speech delay or absence is the main symptom of possible hearing loss in children. But what happens when you have started talking? Can't it happen then that you lose hearing?

Progressive hearing loss is possible and the causes can be varied, therefore we must be attentive to these symptoms in the later stages of child growth. After two years, we can suspect that there is a hearing loss if:

  • The child hears well most of the time, but on other occasions he does not respond.

  • He wants to increase the volume of television more than other family members.

  • He says "what?" All too often.

  • The child directs one of his ears forward to listen or complains that he can only hear with his good ear.

  • Low school performance, or the teacher realizes that he does not listen or respond in class like other children.

  • The child complains that he does not listen.

  • It seems that the child does not pay attention. We cannot simply assume that the child is simply not paying attention, when it could be an undiagnosed hearing loss.

  • Start talking at a louder volume than before.

  • The child looks at us intensely when we speak, as if he were focused, which may indicate that he is pending visual signs to interpret speech.

  • If we have the feeling that something is not going well, but we are not sure of the reason, we should not let it happen. We must go to the doctor to refer us to the specialist and dispel doubts.

This is important: if you suspect that the child may have a hearing loss, you should go to the pediatrician to do the relevant tests and he can refer us to the specialist if necessary.

The causes of a hearing loss can be varied and most are not serious (accumulation of wax, otitis ...) but we need to know the cause and treat it. We hope this guide is useful for parents to detect a possible hearing loss acquired.

Video: Group Speech & Music Therapy for Kids with Hearing Loss (May 2024).