Easy recipe: Pork tenderloin with apples

This easy pork tenderloin recipe with apples It was one of the first I learned to do when I was little more than a teenager. Since then I have varied from time to time the fruit used but the result is always an easy and delicious roast.

In the case of the loin with apples, it is a meat qualified as white meat by the European Union, being the pork loin the one with less fat, especially if we remove the outer layer. Children like this meat very much that this time we are going to cook a piece instead of fillets, slicing the loin after having cooked it.

Ingredients for 4 to 6 people

  • One piece of pork loin without marinating, about a kilo, extra virgin olive oil, 2 apples type Fuji or Pink Lady, 1 glass of chicken broth, 200 ml of apple juice, 1 teaspoon of spices to your liking. (I used 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, cumin, nutmeg and white pepper mixed)

How to make pork tenderloin with apples

We start browning the meat in a very hot casserole with a little oil, so that the whole exterior is caramelized. It is important to do it all over the surface of the piece, the songs included. While it is browning, we take the opportunity to peel the apple and chop it.

When the loin is very golden, add the apple pieces, the apple juice and the broth, bringing it to a boil. Then we add the spices sprinkling on the meat. If you make this recipe with pineapple instead of apple, remember that you have to use pineapple juice instead of apple juice. The same if you do it with peach when summer comes.

Cover the casserole and when the broth and juice boil, lower the heat and let the tenderloin cook for 20 minutes, and then we turn it over and cook it for another 20 minutes adding more spices on the other side.

Let the loin cool before filleting and we serve it with the sauce apart, putting the apple pieces as a side dish. The meat can be consumed in the next 4 days, simply by heating it with the sauce for a couple of minutes.

Processing time | 45 minutes
Difficulty | Very simple recipe


This recipe for pork tenderloin cooked with apples It is a simple roast made in the pan, and the result is a tender, juicy and full of flavor meat. Do not spend time or the loin will dry out. If you were a little raw in the central area because it is a larger piece, remember that the fillets will be finished when heated with the sauce.

Video: Perfect Pork Tenderloin Recipe with Apples - How to Make Roasted Pork Tenderloin (July 2024).