Play an instrument, more effective than pills for children with psychological disorders

Music is a great ally in treatments for children with some type of problem such as depression, aggressiveness or lack of concetration. Many times the pads are the fastest and easiest way out, but there are interesting alternatives that could improve your condition, such as playing an instrument.

Psychiatrists at the University of Vermont Medical College studied the effects of music on children with problems and suggest that playing an instrument is more effective than pills for children with psychological disorders. It helps them focus their attention, control their emotions and decrease anxiety.

The study published in Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry It is the most important that has been performed on the effects of playing an instrument in brain development. It involved 232 children between 6 and 18 years who had brain scans to identify how music affected different regions of their brain.

The study confirms something that was already known, that musical practice affects the neurons of the motor region, since it requires control and coordination of movements.

But thickening and thinning were also detected in the part of the cerebral cortex linked to the working memory, attention control, organization and planning, impulse inhibition and emotion processing. A behavior that could help children with psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, aggressiveness and loss of impulse control.

According to James Hudziak, one of the study's authors, "a violin can help a child with disorders more than a bottle of pills."