This will be the school in the year 2030 (the greatest experts say)

More than 645 experts have been interviewed to prepare a report that has been presented at the World Summit for Innovation in Education (known by its acronym in English, Wise) and held last November.

The report presents us the different guidelines of what the school of 2030 will be like, or at least as experts believe it will be. In this "school of the future", the master classes will disappear in favor of a teacher who will no longer only act as a transmitter of knowledge, but rather will be a guide for the student in his own learning process.

Internet is postulated as the main nest of information, above the school itself and English is established as the main language of learning, which will be much more personalized.

The 2030 school

This is where the main changes are included as we will move to a much less linear school, in which the learning will be carried out according to the qualities of the student and will not be as standardized as it is now, apart from that the learning will become much more cooperative .

In the next 15 years, the internet will turn traditional learning ways upside down

Schools will become networks where students will interact with each other and with the teacher so that collaborative learning occurs. The classrooms will become diaphanous spaces, the chairs and tables can be moved so that the student can go from one work group to another if they want or need it.

Internet and the big information centers, the so-called Big data they will become the main points of access to information by students.

The learning

According to the majority of experts surveyed, learning will no longer be a priority only in the compulsory education phase, but will be something we will do throughout our lives. A continuous learning based on our qualities and personal curriculum. And although not all experts agree, it is very likely that this learning is more expensive than the current one when the state disappears as the main payer.


The figure of the student, as we know it today, is far from what it will be in a few years. Something that is happening today and that will increase in the future, is that teachers will meet a student with a capacity to access information infinitely greater than we had. Now they have internet and know how to use it, they no longer depend on a single source of information or the rationalization of it.

The student becomes a client: invest a money and expect a return. The teachers will have to explain much better how they put the notes. It states César García, professor of Washington State Public University

Another point in which the majority of respondents agree, and that from my point of view does not predict anything good, is that class schedules will probably disappear, because more and more students will have to combine their studies with some work (do not be scared that they are talking here, I hope, over 16 years old). And this is very good when you have a certain independence, work and need to continue forming may be showing us a gray future if you already assume that the figure of the full-time student will tend to disappear.

More than homework, it is necessary to raise in students the need to continue looking for documentation, to inform themselves, to share knowledge and to awaken their taste for research. It states Núria Miró, director of the Montserrat school in Barcelona

The teacher

We said earlier that the Internet will cause the figure of the teacher is not the main source of information available to the student, but that does not imply that it ceases to be important, but quite the opposite. The teacher now becomes the student's guide, who must teach him to distinguish good from bad information, who must instill in the student the critical spirit and the desire to learn. All this will cause the teacher to have to train continuously to maintain the level that will be required.

In my view, there is nothing new in this teaching figure in 2030, for me those qualities of guidance rather than authority, of teaching to think and being critical, to doubt everything and to reason what we know is something that always He has distinguished the good teacher from the rest. It just seems that this type of figure will be imposed on the teacher who arrives, drops his lesson and returns where he has come without sorrow or glory.

The curriculum

According to experts, the curriculum will weigh more personal or practical skills than those "of a lifetime", something on which Spanish teachers disagree. According to them, these skills are good and will be very useful to companies but cannot replace knowledge in mathematics, science, literature, etc. You can't learn outside of knowledge, they say.

It is clear that this point is the one that presents the most controversy since it seems that companies begin to want to create their own specialized employees, leaving out the individual itself.

It is said that this is the best prepared generation, but Spanish university students do not know what the Baroque is and have never read Cervantes. If what we want is to train technocrats, skills and knowledge will be reduced, he says Felipe de Vicente, president of the National Association of Institute Professors.

We'll see where all this comes

That the traditional school has the days counted we have been listening since the 80s and it seems that it will have them counted, but of course, as it is the thing must have counted a few million because this remains more or less the same as years .

That the school needs changes is very clear, the problem is that too many factors are involved so that they occur as society demands them. We will see what this study is.

What do you think of the school of 2030?