Women with children are the most productive at work

Unfortunately, motherhood and work are difficult roles to reconcile in the society in which we live. There are few women who are forced to give up their professional career if they wish to have children when they see that in many places they are considered a real problem (but ask Monica Oriol).

But it is stupid to believe that a woman is not a good worker or that she is unproductive just because she has given birth. Unlike. According to a study by researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, in Missouri, United States, Women with children are the most productive at work throughout their professional career, especially if they have two or more children.

The research was conducted among almost 10,000 economists, men and women, and measured productivity across four different scales related to the number of academic publications they had made.

Not only concludes that mothers perform more than women who have no children, but also stand out regarding men.

In the case of men, parents without children or with only one published the same amount of academic work, but men who had two or more children were more productive than the previous two groups.

Mothers are more productive in almost all stages of working life

The study measured a career path of 30 years (a lifetime), in which mothers proved to be more productive than women without children in almost all periods.

The least productive period of women, professionally speaking, is the first five years of their children's lives. It was shown that they were between 15 and 17 percent less productive when the children were young (compared to 5% in parents), but they compensated him throughout his career.

The highest productivity of a woman with children occurs just before giving birth, perhaps because of what hormones give us energy to eat the world, or long after their children are born.

Those who had no children during their first five years of career were less productive than those who did give birth at least once, and that difference was even greater when the women had gone through two or more deliveries. In all cases, the relationship was exponential: to more children, the mothers proved to be academically more productive.

As in any study, there are always caveats. It is clarified that it was carried out with high-skilled jobs in which women who plan to have a family do so in a conscious way, planning the most appropriate time. Do you have less awareness in lower-skilled jobs?

What is clear is that being mothers gives us women "Superpowers". Our children are our priority, but motherhood also transforms us. It makes us develop better capacities at all levels, even some that we didn't even know. It makes us more organized, more pragmatic, more responsible and exacerbates our emotional intelligence, among many other qualities that contribute to good job performance.

Mothers who choose to continue working show that contrary to what is believed, Women with children are the most productive at work. And you, what work qualities do you think motherhood has awakened you?

Video: 15 Ways To Improve Productivity (July 2024).