Gruesome cheese faces made by kids for Halloween

If there is something fun in the kitchen it is to share a little time with the children and make them participate in the different tasks. Sometimes the result is not perfect, but seeing their faces of joy while they work is always worth it. So we have done these gruesome cheese faces made by kids for Halloween We hope you like them.

You can do them with them in the way I now tell you, or if you prefer, you can also add a skewer to make them in lollipop format. In any case they will be great to encourage your creativity and to offer them a snack or homemade snack, healthy and without additives.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 4 handfuls of grated cheese, 3 black olives, corn kernels, gouda cheese, crispy onion

How to make horrifying faces of cheese made by children

We put a baking paper on the turntable of the microwave and on it, we put a few mounds of grated cheese. You can use Parmesan, or if you prefer Gouda or any other. From there, the children have to do their job and help us make and place the elements of the face.

To make the eyes, we cut rings of black or green olives making slices and fill them with some corn kernels. The mouths are made with half slices of olives, placing them in different ways so that the faces have different expression. At home we had some caramel eyes that we had left over when we made the ghost Halloween muffins, we also used them for one of the faces.

Before decorating the horrifying faces, we put the dish in the microwave during 1 minute and a half at maximum power. After that time, the cheese has melted together with each other the different threads and the olives have been glued forming a stable face. With the help of a knife, we take off the faces of the paper without breaking and we pass to the area of ​​"makeup and hairdresser"

With some grated gouda cheese, we can make redheaded hair for some of the faces, decorating others with brown hair made with crispy fried onion. We can also use ketchup to make blushes or decorate the horrifying faces of Halloween as we like, with other ingredients.

Processing time | 15 minutes
Difficulty | Very easy


The gruesome cheese faces made by kids for Halloween They are great because in addition to assuming a fun activity like handicrafts to share with our children, they are then a crispy snack that they enjoy eating. An artisan snack that they have made themselves and that they will enjoy without a doubt.

Video: 18 Creepiest Halloween Foods (July 2024).