Stories to educate children in prevention and health care

Josefa María Márquez is a nurse with a specialization in psychiatry from the University of Laguna. She is also a writer, and because of her profession knows well the prevention and health issues that affect the youngest, has turned his works into a source of knowledge aimed at children, but also in places from which to let the imagination fly.

I want to present two collections of a marked didactic character, which help Children from six to 11 years to acquire knowledge in the field of human body and health. The accuracy of its contents does not exempt from obtaining a pleasant and pleasant reading. They are "Planet Health" and "An extraordinary Country"

I will start with that extraordinary country: it is about a set of books starring fantastic and mythological beings that get (through games and pranks) that the child learns to value the body. Pregnancy and childbirth in "Christmas in the Palace", the digestive system in "The Supermarket of the King".

We will also find notions about the skeletal muscle system in "The Robot"; about the circulatory system in "The red labyrinth and its machines" and the nervous system in "The magical mountain and its paths". There are a total of seven books, and I still have to review "The five senses" and "The extraordinary country factory" (with explanations about the uro genital system).

All books are published in Idea Editions, and their price is between 6.90 and 8.90 euros for those included in "An extraordinary Country"; and between 8.90 and 11.90 euros (the stories of "Planet Health"

Now it's the turn of "Planet Health": a small collection to publicize common diseases and teaching to prevent them, taking care of health. Here there is room for diabetes ("What happens to Carlota?"), Obesity ("The transformation of princes"), and even drug addiction ("Terrible experience").

As you can see Josefa María has specialized in literary matters, in children and youth issues, having also published narrative. On the other hand, he has also collaborated as a jury in poetry contests.

You can find the books in your usual bookstore, there is a choice, and you who know your children, you know which of them may interest you.

Video: School-Link: Caring for the mental health needs of children and young people (July 2024).