An application for "Safe pregnancy and childbirth"

Surely at this stage of your life you are looking for a lot of information related to all the changes you are experiencing (and those that await you) and that brings you to our pages. One more way to have information about pregnancy and childbirth are the applications for mobile devices, such as this application on "Safe pregnancy and childbirth".

This application informs us about how to stay healthy and fit during pregnancy, how to recognize the danger signs during pregnancy, childbirth and after it, when to go and when to go to the emergency room ...

The information is presented in a clear way, in an accessible and familiar language and also does not need an internet connection once we have downloaded it to our device. The navigation is intuitive and the simple illustrations complement the data offered.

The sections in which the content is divided are: "Staying healthy during pregnancy", "Danger signs during pregnancy", "Danger signs during childbirth" and "How to do it", which includes specific medical advice for midwives, to the medical staff that attends the delivery, and that is perhaps the least interesting section for the common of pregnant women.

This is an application developed by The Hesperian Foundation, a non-governmental organization specializing in creating health guides for people to take care of themselves or for caregivers, in different fields.

The application for "Safe pregnancy and childbirth" can be downloaded for free for Apple and Android. Maybe he sins too simplistic in some points, but it is a good start to continue expanding information.

Video: an application for sick leave (May 2024).