Make sure your children eat fiber daily

As you know, three days ago, we presented a study whose main result was that “children who eat breakfast daily” have a low risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but also introduced an interesting variable: the cereals taken at breakfast should preferably be whole grain.

It was not the first time that fiber is mentioned with the prevention of diabetes, and in other occasions we have referred to whole grains as an important source of calcium contribution to the diet. The Whole grains have fiber yes, and fruits and vegetables too.

But what do we know about the health benefits of introducing fiber into our children's food? What should we take into account when ensuring the presence of fiber?

We read in Medline Plus that fiber is a substance present in the plant kingdom, which gives volume to the diet, and is an inseparable part of healthy eating. It is found in foods that also provide vitamins or minerals (fruits, legumes, etc.), but Strictly speaking, fiber is not a nutrient Not being part of the body's metabolic processes.

As I said, fiber can have a preventive effect against diabetes, but also against asthma, and even other metabolic diseases such as hypertension are associated with a low presence of fiber. And part of the value of this essential nutrient is precisely that of help preserve health, in the long term.

But it is also that taking fiber makes the large intestine work effectively - and therefore goes to prevent constipation - while delaying the feeling of "hunger" because satiates and causes the stomach to empty more slowly. If we think about its benefits on the colon, we can imagine that eating fruit contributes to body detoxification, by favoring elimination.

Goes fiber (s)

We talk about fiber like this in general, but I have to tell you that we find two types of 'fibers' in food. On the one hand it is the insoluble which are present in whole grains: brown rice, pasta made with whole wheat, wheat bran, whole grain breakfast cereals…; and also in some vegetables and fruits. Its function is to facilitate the transit of food throughout the digestive system.

And on the other hand you may have also heard of soluble fiber, beneficial to the circulatory system, and by extension to the heart; It is also able to control sugar levels. This fiber is present in some vegetables and fruits, as well as in legumes, seeds, barley and oat bran among others.

So in general, we can understand that we should try to include foods with both types of fiber on a daily basis: there is enough variety to escape the monotony and adapt to the tastes of each family

Fiber? Daily, no doubt

And if we talk about children we are the parents those of us who must ensure that such contribution is made. There is even a recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics, which allows you to approximate the adequate amount of daily fiber in the children's diet. It is estimated that adding 5 grams to the child's years, we get the amount that our children should ingest, for example in my case would be 13 and 16 grams daily.

There are other not-so-restrictive recommendations, such as the chart below.

Recommended fiber intake according to ages. About Kids Health box

Grams of fiber, not food that contains it, is understood. Some say that ideally the daily diet should contain 30 percent soluble fiber, and 70% insoluble. The truth is that I calculate the fiber by eye, and although we do eat more insoluble than soluble, I do not add and subtract, but since I know that guidance is sometimes needed, I have found this table that indicates the grams of fiber per 100 grams of food.

Total fiber per 100 grams of Food, table obtained from Natursan

The fiber is in the vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains and their derivatives. It is generally recommended to eat legumes twice a week, and introduce whole grains instead of one of the weekly rice or pasta dishes; Five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Regarding the fruit, it is always preferable to eat them with skin, although always wash well - and be edible -. And you know that fresh fruit is better than natural fruit juices.

Do children accept fiber?

Sometimes it is said that children find it difficult to eat fruits and vegetables, that of lentils like that does not go with them, and that whole wheat bread, yuck! It is true that those who do not accept new foods, and even without being new, develop a kind of aversion - which is sometimes even justified by putting ourselves on their skin: a plate of boiled spinach does not look the best in the world - towards some.

But I think that combining respect (towards the kids I mean), common sense (promoting a balanced and healthy diet), imagination and perseverance, we can get our children to eat fiber. And also without forcing them (let's not forget it is one of the unadvisable practices).

I do not have problems for children to accept fiber: they are to eat fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, also on their own initiative, and they themselves prepare muesli for breakfast frequently ... Of course, there behind there is a work of years during which I have never put pastries for a snack (and instead fruit at least three days a week); I have been patient if they didn't want lettuce but broccoli (what else will it give me, if they prefer it raw too!); and although I have not forced, I have not spoiled whims like sweets instead of the food that I put them.

You could say that fiber has no side effects, if we except that by increasing the intake, and while the intestine is rebalanced, it can cause flatulence or diarrhea, effects that usually disappear. Sometimes it is also said that excesses can inhibit the absorption of minerals, although considering they are in the same foods, I do not think it turns out to be a real problem.

If we review the table that I have placed above, you will see that (for example) to get 5 grams of fiber eating cooked chickpeas, we must ingest 100 grams of these. Needless to say, if to the plate of chickpeas with vegetables that we have eaten today - none of us has even reached those 100 grams - we add the grams of the vegetables, those of the fruits of the forest and muesli this morning, the tangerine before eating, and the fruit that children can eat now, surely we do not pass.

How do you see the fiber It is very important for the present and future health of the whole family, at least it helps to control the weight, and this is already a preventive action against childhood obesity. In addition, if we know how to make our children see their properties, they will appreciate the taste and energy that fiber foods give them.

Images | Maria, Eyeliam, Lars Plougmann
Origin of the information tables | Natursan, About Kids Health
In Peques and More | What do you do to get your children to eat more fruit and vegetables? Decalogue for a healthier infant feeding, which child would resist one of these ways of presenting fruits?

Video: Kids 'n Fiber (July 2024).