'Loba', a film to raise awareness about childbirth

In the last decade, childbirth care has entered into a numbness from which we hope someday to wake up. To do this, to make us see how transcendent the arrival of a baby's world is and for become aware of what childbirth really is, there are projects like 'Loba' a film that gathers the experiences of several women, and whose trailer you can see here.

The documentary chains stories of mothers from different parts of the world, such as Barcelona, ​​Cuba, Mexico and France, and allows us to make contact with their most intimate emotions and feelings at the time of giving birth to their children. We also discovered testimonies from midwives who tell how their role is disappearing.

The film has been made by Catherine Béchard, healer and osteopath with 25 years of experience, who unpleasantly surprised by the stories of suffering that mothers often tell about their deliveries in the hospital, decided to make their experiences visible with the collaboration of their daughter Lila Fraysse, camera and director of photography.

Thanks to an impeccable realization and quality of images, we discover how it has evolved into an increasingly medicalized birth, progressively abandoning home births and threatening the profession of midwives.

It's an interesting look at the birth situation today, so if you have a chance to spread or watch the movie, don't let it go. As of September 18, a crowdfounding campaign begins to make it possible for this "collective voice" to be heard.