International Midwife Day, a fundamental support during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Today is celebrated on International Midwife Day (or the midwife, as it is called in some countries), and of course the matron, that there are more and more.

The midwife plays a fundamental role, because it provides assistance and emotional support to the woman who will give birth during pregnancy, of course at the time of delivery, and also in the puerperium. From Babies and more we want to honor them in their day for the work they do every day with such dedication and generosity.

This year's motto is “Midwives: changing the world from family to family”, which reflects the importance of the professional role of midwives, capable of saving the lives of mothers and their babies and helping families, helping to reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.

To give us an idea of ​​the importance of their work, let's take a look at the ten data on midwives in the world published by WHO.

In addition, they are professionals capable of giving us very valuable information about everything related to pregnancy and childbirth. For sample here you have the answers of the midwife Marina Fernandez to the most frequent questions asked by the readers in our blog.

In this way, we want to honor all midwives, silent witnesses of a unique moment in the life of a woman and her son. Congratulations and thank you!

Video: Stages of Labor Nursing OB for Nursing Students. Stages of Labour NCLEX Explained Video Lecture (July 2024).