Child sexual abuse, silence or make it public?

Yesterday I talked to you about child sexual abuse in relation to a case that I have known recently, that happened a while ago, but that has been made public now, realizing people that it is a case of child sexual abuse silenced by All involved.

When learning about it now, and being something that has happened in a school, the discomfort between the parents of the students is quite evident. Some complain that it has been made public and others complain that it has so far been silenced. If it happened in the school where your children go, what would you prefer? That is, child sexual abuse, Should it be silenced or should it be made public?

Why silence it

Apparently, in his day he took everything in the most discreet way possible not to raise a stir and not to harm the victims. Both parents and school staff preferred that the data not come to light in order to protect students who had been sexually abused.

This is logical, because it should not be easy to be a girl and realize that what an adult has done with you is not right, and also have to live causing grief or pity, perhaps. In other words, only parents and only their children must decide whether or not to talk about the particular case, thus breaking the anonymity.

Why make it public

But nevertheless, every time a case of child sexual abuse is silenced the rest of the population becomes a little more numb about the likelihood of something like that happening to your child. Yesterday we commented that according to some studies, 1 in 7 children under 13 suffer sexual abuse, which are totally alarming figures. However, the feeling of most people is that they are false figures, that this does not really happen, or that our children will not happen.

In several places that I frequently know as a user some cases have been known, quickly, and the users have thanked him, because in addition the notification has been accompanied by a "so that it does not happen again we will do ...". The school commented did not say it then and everything has been known by the press. That is, they have been turned against them, because now many parents think that "if this was silenced, what would not have happened here without us knowing it."

The name of the victims has not been commented, of course, so remain anonymous. I, as a father, if it were my children's school, I would prefer a thousand times that this be explained and that, as I say, they would say that of "and to avoid it, from now on there will always be someone inside the school during extracurricular hours" or a watchman, or whatever they can think of so that does not happen again. That Gives confidence, silence it and hide it no.

Video: What is sexual violence? (July 2024).