In Thor: the dark world the God of Thunder saves the nine kingdoms of the dark elf

After watching The Avengers or the Iron Man movies and waiting for Captain America for the year 2014 Marvel producers entertain us with Thor, the God of Thunder that armed with a hammer lives between the problems of his kingdom and the earthly love of the scientific expert interpreted by Natalie Portman.

As we knew when the Avengers ended, Thor had to bring peace back to the Nine Realms. In addition Loki remains locked in the dungeons of Asgard after his tremendous adventure that ends fatally after meeting with Hulk. However not everything is Asgard is good and evil Malekith, leader of the Dark Elves, wants to take advantage of the alignment of the Nine Realms, an event that only happens every 5,000 years, to end the universe thanks to a terrible weapon called ether and that in the cinema gave a lot of visual play.

In Asgard they have to get to work hard to try to stop the threat of Malekith and even Thor will have to ask Loki for help. Although Loki is a character of the so-called evil ones, the truth is that he fills the screen every time he appears and you never know what he is going to do. In addition, Hulk does not appear, so his evil potential has no limit. Loki is interpreted by Tom Hiddleston who is great at each appearance and maintaining the tone of humor that has already been implanted in these Marvel movies.

The Nine Kingdoms they are part of Norse mythology and refer to the nine worlds of Yggdrasil. Asgard is represented at the top and the Earth, called Midgard, is in the center. The evil Malekith will use all his wisdom and evil to try to win although Thor and his hammer have a great role to prevent it.

In Thor appears Chris Hemsworth as God of Thunder wearing a suit, perhaps a little ridiculous outside his Asgard context although humor is also used to make the situation on Earth fit well. Natalie Portman also appears as Dr. Jane Foster, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Antohny Hopkins as Odin, Stellan Skarsgard as Dr. Erik Selvig, Idris Elba as Heimdall the gatekeeper in the realms, Ray Stevenson as Volstagg, Kate Dennings as Darcy, Rene Russo as the mother of Thor Frigga and Jaimie Alexander as the warrior Sif.

For children it seems to me that it is a bit dark and complicated to understand although the battle scenes, the moments of humor and the appearances of Loki encourage to have a good time for the whole family. I recommend, especially with those of Marvel, to be patient with the final credits, and that is that in this movie two scenes appear, one just after some watercolor credits and in which you can see Benicio del Toro, and some endings where still The movie is finished off with a couple of funny scenes.

Thanks to Akira Comics, I find this video about who is better: Thor or Loki? Very funny and with a surprising Loki (in English).

In Cinema blog | 'Thor: The Dark World', better and more entertaining than the first installment

Video: Thor Takes Jane To Asgard. Thor: The Dark World 2013 4K HDR Movie Clip (July 2024).