The pregnant woman who lifts weights two weeks after giving birth

Great stir caused the images of a woman pregnant woman lifting weights two weeks after giving birth. In fact, they are quite impressive, because we are not used to seeing future moms doing such demanding physical activities.

Lea-Ann Ellison is 35 years old and is eight and a half months pregnant with her third child. She has always been a very active woman and has performed CrossFit for more than two years, a total body workout based on methods used by military units and special forces. Should a pregnant woman make such a physical effort?

The truth is that exercising during pregnancy is highly recommended, unless contraindicated, although moderate practices such as walking, practicing yoga, cycling, pilates for pregnant women are usually advised, maybe something more intense like running if the woman was already a runner before pregnancy and is accustomed, but training as intense as Crossfit and weight lifting does not appear on the exercise recommendation sheet for pregnant women.

She is criticized for considering that pregnancy is a time to take care of herself and not to put the body to the limit of its possibilities. That in a way the criticism has its foundation, but you also have to take into account that every pregnancy and every woman is a world, that everyone knows their own limits and that it is a woman with an impeccable physical condition that had already been training previously.

On the other hand, there are those who defend it arguing that there are major dangers for the pregnant woman like eating MacDonald's every day. I take no reason.

The woman will be extremely aware that her training does not put her baby at risk, but she would not, of course. We assume that you will take your precautions and be controlled by your doctor. A pregnant woman is not unable to perform intense physical exercise just because she is pregnant, the usual practice determines her own physical condition.

It is advisable for most pregnant women (not for those who lift weights two weeks after giving birth) is to reduce the intensity of the exercise, consult the doctor and above all, listen to your own body to know how far to go.

Video: Exercises in Preparation for Delivery for 7-9 months pregnant (July 2024).