Video guide for parents: early contact

Early contact consists of putting the newborn baby on the mother's womb and is one of the best practices in the first hour of life. In this great video we find a complete guide for parents about what early contact is and the benefits for the baby.

He tells us about the sensitive period that follows the birth of the baby, offering explanations of what happens in these precious hours, when the child is in a state of "quiet alert" and his body is specially prepared to establish a bond and recognition of the mother.

They explain what early contact consists of step by step, why eye contact, skin-to-skin contact are important, for the baby to feel the smell, the heat and the heartbeat of the mother ...

A contact in which both mother and baby are completely naked, the baby does not just dry out and is placed directly on the mother's womb with the umbilical cord still connected.

There are studies that show a statistically significant association between existence of early contact between the newborn and his mother in the incidence of a secure bond, and it's about starting the baby's life doing the best for him.

And while our ancestors established this contact in a natural way, in a modern and developed society the hospital environment can put it in danger. That is why more and more hospitals have protocols to take care of this important aspect in childbirth.

This is a 14-minute video, from the health portal of the Valencian Community Take care. A very illustrative, rigorous and closely explained video to know everything about early mother-baby contact, which I recommend if you are waiting for a baby.

Video | Youtube On Babies and more | Ten steps towards happy breastfeeding, The importance of early contact, Benefits of early mother-baby contact, Dads and newborns skin to skin, Do not separate you, campaign to promote contact between the newborn and his mother

Video: Improving early child development with words: Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald at TEDxAtlanta (July 2024).