Adequate food to offer to the kids on the beach

Summer has arrived, temperatures rise and the body requires certain nutrients to a greater extent to correctly face the heat, so if you plan to visit the beach, remember that there are some adequate food to offer to the kids and take care of your diet at this time of year.

Since the temperatures are higher, the risks of dehydration increase and if the body loses fluid, it decreases the tolerance to heat, so the first thing we should offer to the kids on the beach is Water, of safe origin and possibly fresh.

If you don't usually drink water, we can offer others healthy liquids such as natural fruit juices or fruit and milk shakes.

We can also favor hydration by eating foods with a lot of water content, such as fresh fruits or yogurts, as long as the latter are well preserved cold.

The fruits, in addition to a lot of water, will offer the children some important vitamins for this time of the year when we are more exposed to the sun, sea water and climatic conditions that dry skin, hair and can increase the risk of getting sick.

For example, the summer is important Vitamin A that takes care of children's skin and hair as well as vision, and vitamin C which elevates the defenses and maintains the structure of the skin. To obtain these vitamins we can offer melon, watermelon, orange, peaches, apricots, strawberries or other berries, kiwi and other fresh fruits or vegetables.

It is also a great help to conserve fluids in the organism of the children the intake of sodium and potassium, that we can offer them with liquids such as juices or, by means of dairy products and also, fresh fruits and vegetables.

If we take sandwiches to the beach, do not forget to add fresh vegetables, some good protein with quality fats such as a well cooked fish and of course, we are attentive to the lack of liquids, fruits and others Fresh and moisturizing food for kids on the beach.